Friday, February 07, 2025

Democratic hypocrisy

| April 2, 2009 11:00 PM

To the editor,

Two items on the front page of the March 26, 2009 edition of the Hungry Horse News caught my attention.

The first reported that Glacier Park, Inc. invited President Obama to visit the Park this summer, and the second reported that a Federal judge issued an injunction against NPS rules that would allow concealed firearms in National Parks.

It is ironic that if the most anti-gun president to ever occupy the White House visited GNP, he would be protected by armed Secret Service agents, but law abiding American citizens are denied their right of self defense by prohibiting them from lawfully carrying concealed firearms in the Park.

What's wrong with this picture?

Just another example of Democratic hypocrisy.

Terry W. Crouch

Columbia Falls

Zinke a Dem in disguise

To the editor,

I saw a letter in the Daily Inter Lake recently, which mentioned my senator, Ryan Zinke, unfavorably. Unfortunately, I must agree. Last month I was in Helena and had an opportunity to observe Mr. Zinke in action.

During discussion of a very serious bill on the floor, Sen. Zinke occupied himself typing on his computer and fooling around with the paperwork on his desk. In fact, he was so engrossed in this that when the vote was called, he almost missed it and barely got his hand on the button in time.

Furthermore, he opposed this bill, while virtually every other Republican voted "yes' on it.

I had been in correspondence with Sen. Zinke on some other bills prior to this one, and amazingly, he also voted against the Republican position on these as well, and was a little cagey about where he stood on them prior to vote.

I remember when he was campaigning how much expensive material come in my mailbox with his name on it, sometimes more than one piece on the same day, but among the flood of photos and color I was oddly impressed at how little information there was about his stand on anything.

I chastise the Republican party of Flathead County for promoting this Democrat in disguise, and I also chastise myself for believing the party would only support candidates who agree with the party platform.

I will not vote to re-elect Mr. Zinke, and the Republican Central Committee has tarnished itself with him.

Vivian McNeme

Hungry Horse