Friday, February 07, 2025

Letters to the Editor

| April 23, 2009 11:00 PM

Tea Party thanks

The recent Polson Tax Day Tea Party rally was a huge success with almost 300 attendees from around the Mission Valley. This nonpartisan demonstration against the recent stimulus, bailouts and generational theft was part of a movement that included over 300,000 participants nationwide. We are proud and encouraged that Polson was a part of it!

However, the Polson Tea Party could not have been the success that it was without the generous donations of time, effort and items by various individuals including: The City of Polson and in particular City Manger, James Raymond; Director of Parks, Karen Sargeant and parks worker Mike Johnson for coordinating the use of the park, the bathroom facilities, power and cleaning of the park prior to the rally. A big thank you to Dennis Anderson and Anderson Broadcasting for the setup and use of the sound system allowing our speakers to be heard loud and clear. And to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Moody for the donation of their truck and to Pat DeVoe for use of the trailer as a stage. As well as to Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Moody for use of their tent for a windbreak.

Thank you to Sara, Breanna and Marissa Bobb who donated their time to make signs for the rally and attached all those teabags to the free key chains handed out to the attendees. Thank you to Derric Upton for providing free water for attendees and to Mimi Milheim for organizing and providing cookies and lemonade at the Miracle of America Museum during the showing of "Harry's War" after the rally. Thank you also to the local newspapers and TV station for covering the event.

Last, but not least, thank you to all the attendees for their signs, encouragement and participation. The rally just proves that united we can do great and meaningful things!

(If you were hoping to attend the Polson Tea Party but couldn't, or if you want to see more of what it was about you can view parts of the rally on YouTube at or type in Tea Party Polson Montana in the search window.)

Annette Schiele

Becky Upton
