Friday, February 07, 2025

Cast your vote for student achievement

by Denise Juneau
| April 30, 2009 11:00 PM

On May 5, you will elect school board members for your local district. The vote you cast is vitally important.

School boards are very powerful elected bodies. They deal with multi-million dollar budgets and make policy decisions that establish the vision for your school. They make critical choices such as hiring the superintendent and administrators responsible for establishing the organizational and operational structure needed to create a positive learning environment. School boards decide everything from establishing bus schedules to determining the length of the school year. Your vote in local school board elections determines the future of all students in your community.

School boards play a large role in student achievement. They establish goals for student achievement and evaluate student progress. They are responsible for adopting policies that affect all schools and students in the district.

As a voter, you may be concerned about student transportation, textbooks, curriculum standards, assessments and school construction. Others may be concerned about technology, community partnerships and fiscal challenges. Researching each candidate's views on positions is essential. Here are some questions to consider when evaluating a candidate:

- Does the candidate understand the role of the school board in promoting academic excellence?

- Does the candidate understand all the issues facing the school district; both educational and economic challenges?

- Will the candidate bring additional skills to the board and represent the diversity of the community?

- Will the candidate be able to do what is right for all children, even if it requires making unpopular decisions?

There is much at stake on May 5. Members of your school board must be dedicated to serving and teaching all children. They must believe in the value of public education and understand their strategic role in promoting the best interests of the entire school community. When schools flourish, Montana's students achieve academic excellence and our entire society benefits.

This year, school board elections occur on May 5. Please vote for those who will deliver a bright future for all students in your community.

Denise Juneau is the Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction.