Thursday, March 13, 2025

Letters to the Editor

| August 20, 2009 11:00 PM

Making best of bikes

Even though car manufacturers are now proposing to bring new models on line that get triple digit gas mileage, they are going to be expensive and scarce. In order to better cope with living in a low-energy world with today's troublesome budgetary challenges, more and more people will resort to alternative transportation such as bicycles, for themselves and their cargo.

As an effort to provide information, and to stimulate discussion about the aspects of using bicycles, the Essential Stuff Project (ESP) of Bigfork will host a gathering on the Aug. 26 at 7 p.m. at Clementine's, 265 Bridge Street.

Peter Hall and Cameron Clayton, who own Mike's Bikes in Bigfork, will offer some practical tips on bike repair and maintenance. This will also be a time for bicyclists to share any innovative ideas they may have about ways to utilize their bicycles.

The gathering is free and open to the public; donations will be accepted to cover the cost to use the facility. Tea and coffee are provided; Stephanie's delicious desserts are available for purchase. For more information contact Edd Blackler (837-5196) or Catherine Haug (

Catherine Haug
