Friday, January 31, 2025

Superintendent challenges critic

by Jerry House
| August 27, 2009 11:00 PM

Marcus Brainard, your letter in the Aug. 20 Whitefish Pilot was amazing. This is almost as good as your letter to the Pilot dated July 31, 2008, "Tossed from gym." In both letters you misled the Whitefish community with false accusations, no proof and, most importantly, lacking the intestinal fortitude to address issues in person.

Let me present facts concerning your letter challenging the leadership of Jackie Fuller and the administration. You quoted the district as having a hard time keeping a top-notch coach. The fact is the high school boys basketball coach resigned his position and, further, his teaching position was a non-tenured teaching position cut due to district budgets and was board-approved. Jackie Fuller had no voice in this issue. Furthermore, are you stating we have no other "top-notch" coaches in the district?

Your statement that since Jackie Fuller took over as the athletic director, we have had five coaching resignations in two years, and you insinuate that it's her leadership. Fact is, we have had five resignations but you obviously are ignorant of why? Let me set the record straight. The boys basketball coach did resign, I have the letter approved by the school board. The girls basketball coach resigned for the reason of spending more time with family and business. The girls soccer coach resigned-retired after 15 years of coaching, I have that letter on file also. The girls softball coach resigned and the reason — the coach retired and moved his family to the east side of the state. Regarding the drama coach, she is still here and is an excellent drama coach, and was recommended for hire by Jackie Fuller and the high school administration.

Now let's be positive on leadership. Who has held coaches' meetings to keep coaches informed of state and legal issues on an annual basis for each activity season? Who has an immaculate record of student forms on file prior to student participation? Who has recorded and provided for CPR/First Aid cards? Who has supervised or provided supervision for each activity at Whitefish High School and for away games and matches? Athletic trainers and our community medical doctors have worked very closely with our coaching staff and our athletic director — who is responsible?

The list can go on, but my point is Jackie Fuller has provided leadership for a multitude of activities and truly cares for the success of all students, extracurricular or within our classrooms.

So, Marcus Brainard, I personally challenge you to make an appointment with me and let's discuss the issues on a factual basis. Misleading the public and making false accusations in the newspaper is a cowardly way of life. It is not the Whitefish way.

P.S. — Please feel free to bring any of the coaches who resigned/retired with you.

Jerry House is the Whitefish School District superintendent.