Friday, January 31, 2025

Looking back: A decade comes to a close

| December 24, 2009 11:00 PM

It's hard to believe that in another week it will be the end of the decade.

Much has changed in 10 years.

Before the 2000s, we were not in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sept. 11 had yet to happen.

Liquids could still be carried on airplanes.

"Global warming" was not yet a commonly heard phrase. And New Orleans was still intact.

Facebook had yet to be conceived. And watching videos online, nearly impossible. Twitter, nonexistent.

People did not walk around with "bugs' in their ears, listening to music constantly on iPods.

Reality television hadn't taken off just yet.

Many photographers at newspapers were still using film in their cameras.

These changes have gone on worldwide. But what marks the decade here on the West Shore?

As part of looking back on the 2000s, we here at the West Shore News want to know your thoughts about the past and future of this community.

We are soliciting responses to questions about the end of the decade and we'd love to hear what you have to say.

We want to know what you think have been the two or three most significant changes or events in the West Shore area in the past 10 years.

And, ten years from now, what do you think the West Shore will look like? What hopes do you have for the West Shore in the next decade?

Responses will be shared in one of the first few print editions of January 2010 and/or online at

Please e-mail your responses to these questions to

-Jasmine Linabary