Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Look at wolves

| February 11, 2009 11:00 PM

To the editor,

A few comments on Brian Peckís wolf studies. He needs to observe the wolves in the wild.

Wolves can have a very high success rate on prey ó depending on weather and terrain. In some snow conditions they can kill at will. They also have a very good success when ?ó and calves are young.

As far as not decimating game herds maybe he can tell us where the Big Creek herd is, also the Coal Ridge-Winona herds are. Also the moose on Coal Creek are in low numbers.

As for his friend seeing a hundred deer, that is a small percentage of what there used to be.

There used to be 500 to 700 whitetails at Big Creek, and three to five hundred mule deer at the Coal Ridge-Winona area.

I saw where one large wolf killed a large bull moose alone. He ate 50-60 pounds of meat, heart and liver. He did not come back to the kill.

I have also seed them kill a deer. There was nothing left in 30 minutes. There were 12 wolves.

We need to manage wolves the same as other game.

Lee Downes
