Friday, February 07, 2025

Getting out of economic mess major priority

| January 7, 2009 11:00 PM

To the editor,

Sheldon Richman’s editorial in the 12/25/08 Hungry Horse News on what to do about our economic decline basically presented two fundamental ideas: same ‘ol, same ‘ol. Remarkably, he repeatedly argues (1) that we just can’t plan at all and shouldn’t even try, and (2) we should just let an unregulated economy work its “wonders” — privatize everything and let an unfettered market’s “wisdom” prevail!

These ideas are exactly what got us into this mess in the first place: no planning, no oversight, no regulation. More of  the same will certainly result in more of the same — don’t we need to try something different? Although Democrats are partially responsible as well, this erroneous and disproven philosophy is at the core of the current Republican/Libertarian agenda, and should be discarded.

Mr. Richman also indicates his disdain for dealing with the reality of global warming, so any planning for “green” solutions is especially suspect in his way of thinking. This is all just another dose of letting the very rich get richer and the rest of us get poorer.

There is now much hope that under Obama’s leadership, the new administration, with its emphasis on science, thoughtful problem-solving and careful planning, will direct a positive new course of recovery for our country, so all will benefit.

Don Kiehn

East Glacier Park