Friday, January 31, 2025

Letters to the Editor

| July 9, 2009 11:00 PM

Celebrating right

As I sat there on Flathead lake the Fourth of July night with all the party revelers that Wood's Bay brings out, fireworks as far as the eye could see until 3 a.m., I wondered who, if any, had a passing thought about our boys overseas. And will these civilians be ready to sacrifice for the Republic, the Republic that our politicians are sure shooting at (the enemy within)? Montanans tend to think about these things, you know. What is the Constitution? A memory, an artifact of a past superior generation. What does "one nation under God" mean? Which God is it?

My advice: get the kids off TV, off Playstations, and get them out fishing, hunting, hiking, camping, swimming and to the gun range, teach them to build, to plumb, to fix things, get their hands on to life itself and not just allow their eyes to watch the HD screen. Get them out of the house. For what their eyes watch so goes their mind and heart and so goes our future in this country. Speak your heart to your kids or grandchildren, they want truth and action from you, not from the virtual world.

Boy, did Montanans light it up last night on Wood's Bay. God bless Montana and all God-fearing Americans. God save our troops who truly fight for freedom and not just glory! Glory fades, but freedom rings true.

And that is my story and I am sticking to it.

Eric Boughton


Fine planning example

With the recent controversy over local planning groups, I'd like to share my observations of a recent BLUAC meeting. A coffee shop and wine retailer requested a variance to allow on-premises wine tastings and sales by the glass and off-premises liquor service with catering, under a state liquor license. The only public comment was from a nearby resident concerned about noise and other conflicts that might arise from operation of a full-scale bar. What occurred next was a terrific example of respectful, collaborative land use planning, as BLUAC members worked with the applicant and the neighbor to identify in more detail the business plans and the neighbor's concerns, then devise limitations on noise and hours of operation to meet the needs of both. The two planning staffers present listened attentively and offered helpful, specific suggestions. I wish that everyone who thinks local advisory councils simply impose their will on the community or are the tools of pro or anti development forces, or who has a negative opinion of planning staff, could have seen the care and attention that went into shaping BLUAC's recommendations. Where there could have been conflict, the advisory council members — all volunteers — and the paid staff worked to find common ground. That is community in the very best sense.

Leslie Budewitz


Bigfork Fire Department — the real deal

Your community is graced with an outstanding team of volunteer firefighters who from the heart give their time and energy to provide their community with outstanding fire services. That alone is an accomplishment worthy of the highest merits your community can bestow. But your guys do more.

I want to personally and publicly thank the members of the Bigfork Fire Department for their outstanding commitment and service to the people of our community, East Glacier Park, MT.

Recently a couple of your guys traveled to East Glacier Park to help our department and the Montana Fire Service Training School, of Montana State University, with hands-on live fire training drills. It's dirty, hot, smoky, wet, thankless work not to mention the two-hour drive each way - which put them home well after midnight, I'm sure. Your guys gave up their day and night, for our community. Today, our department is better prepared and our community safer because your members helped ours.

At the end of the day it's the dedication and commitment shown by the BFD that makes our Montana communities the best in the Nation. Your guys are the real deal — patriots to the end!

Tony Bynum

Training Officer,

East Glacier Volunteer Fire Department

Harris deserves some credit

The Bigfork Steering Committee and the Bigfork Land Use Advisory Committee just completed updating of the Bigfork Neighborhood Plan adopted June 3, 2009. The updating of Established Neighborhood Plans is mandated by the Flathead County Growth Plan. There has been a lot of news in the Daily Interlake with regard to The Flathead County Planning Department, and Jeff Harris,Director. Both the BSC and BLUAC have worked with this department and Jeff Harris repeatedly throughout this process. We received professional advice, assistance and pertinent information while updating our plan. The planning department and its director is to be commended for this assistance, sorely lacking in the past.

Too often, the 'silent majority" remains just that, silent.

If you appreciate the efforts of the Flathead County Planning Department and the leadership of the director, Jeff Harris, please write to the Flathead County Commissioners and let them know.

Flathead County Commissioners (Dale Lauman, Joe Brenneman, Jim Dupont), 800 South Main, West Annex, Kalispell, MT 59901 or e-mail your letter to

Please copy to Jeff Harris:

Pat Wagner

Secretary, Bigfork Steering Committee