Friday, February 07, 2025

Names in news past

by Gladys Shay
| July 9, 2009 11:00 PM

Names are always news so I am capitalizing on this theory for a column. Perhaps some of these former students will be attending Heritage Day class reunions.

These notes are from the Dec. 19, 1969 Pictorial Edition of the Hungry Horse News.

Wayne Frerich, Tom Bertelsen and Rick McGinnis were pictured playing basketball in a game against Missoula Sentinel. Other team members were Hoerner, Trodick, Souhrada, Launer, McMaster, Roye and Logan. First names were not listed.

Another photo showed the CFHS drill team performing. Mrs. Virginia Ross was faculty member for the group. The CFHS Pep Band with Mike Dempsey, drummer, played. Drill team members were Barb Ammondson, Marie Andrew, Donna Archibald, Chris Barbo, Jane Bimler, Mary Corrigeux, Karen Ebing, Vickye Everin, Cheryl Harner, Vicki Haugen, Pam Hedman, Jalane Iverson, Rhonda Iverson, Jan Langhans, Sharon Leach, Joan Marantette, Jackie Melby, Leslie Nytroen, Chris Reynolds, Kay Sands, Judy Sloan, Linda Smith , Pat Staley, Cheri Tesmer, Darlene Wagner, Jane Whirry, Debbie Wilton and Dana Wirkus.

Wrestling story written by Larry Wilson had photos of Mike Chapin and Jim Livingston. Wrestlers named in the Western Division match were Bart Johnson, Craig Shafer, Bill Belston, Larry Baxter, Gene Schneider, Dan Mehring, Dave Lewis, G. Motichka, Dale Stone and C. Motichka.

Chris Peltzer, Marcia Kortum and Steve Chilson, CFHS Art Club members, were winners in a holiday window decorating contest sponsored by the Bank of Columbia Falls.

Photos of some of the 525 youngsters visiting with Santa Claus were interesting. Youngsters in the photos were Rosalie Zwolle, Mac Holm, Cindy Hanson, Wade Kyger, Jim and Darren Allred, Jackie Erickson, Richard Wicks, Mark Bocksnick and Cameron Swift. Visit was sponsored by the Columbia Falls Lions Club and Chamber of Commerce. Committee members were H.H. Davall, Cecil Hudson and Merlin Ballensky

Letter to the Editor Dec. 19, 1969, commenting on the Vietnam issue was signed by Bob Dakin, Jim Kanzler, Lindalee Voss, Gene Kopitzke, Marion Foley, Laurie Callaghan and Bill Dakin, MSU students.

Life Membership Charter was received by Hungry Horse VFW Post in a ceremony at Martin City. Photo showed George Paul, Fort Benton, department commander; Al Piva, Post commander; Bob Durkee, Helena, department quartermaster; Harris Endreson, Columbia Falls, district quartermaster; Mrs. Howard Toulouse, Hungry Horse Auxiliary president; Vince Schaeffer, post quartermaster; and Ross Luding, past district commander.

Gladys Shay is a longtime resident and columnist for the Hungry Horse News.