Friday, January 31, 2025

Student achievements are simply amazing

| June 18, 2009 11:00 PM


t was truly amazing to be at the Whitefish High School gymnasium last weekend to watch 137 graduates accept their diplomas. These celebrations were possible thanks to our dedicated teaching staff (K-12), parents and community members. It is true — it does take a village to raise a child.

Having attended the senior awards ceremonies, I was impressed as were our guests with this outstanding senior class. With $3.1 million dollars in scholarships awarded to our seniors, our graduates will continue on to accomplish and contribute to their country and exemplify the Whitefish School District mission.

We had five student appointments to military academies, four national merit finalists, as well as a national merit scholar, and a host of other scholarships to colleges and universities across our country. One of the military officers from the Air Force Academy said, "It is unheard of for a school our size to receive the kind of awards given to our seniors"

A big thank you goes to all of our scholarship winners but in reality, a bigger thank you goes to all of our community sponsors. We are so blessed to live in such a dedicated and giving community.

Whitefish Independent High School had 13 students who received diplomas this year. Kelsi Koch and Nora Speer received scholarships of $2,200 for tuition to attend Flathead Valley Community College. Max Curtis received the Jeff Gould Memorial scholarship to attend the University of Montana. Parker Duncan, in the presence of his grandfather and commencement speaker George Ostrom, received the outstanding senior award.

The students at the Independent High School planned, cooked and served a gourmet dinner for more than 50 people as a fund raiser to pay for their "first ever" hard cover annual. Students capped their very successful year with a trip to Silverwood to enjoy a social day. A tip of the hat to the staff at WIHS for being the guides and the shepherds to help our students be successful on their journey to become high school graduates.

Whitefish Middle School is a dynamic school of learning. As I review the quality instruction taking place, I am proud to say that incoming fifth-grade students are welcomed with open arms, and as they leave as eighth-grade students, they are well prepared for the next steps of their educational journey.

There are abundant learning adventures that will leave life-long memories as students travel through these exploratory years. How can anyone forget their eighth-grade history trip or the cultural experiences that the middle school provides? Yes, WMS is truly a middle school offering students opportunities that may spark them toward a special talent they have discovered with a very talented staff and administrators.

Students at Muldown Elementary are gaining the foundational skills they need to be successful students both now and in the future. Basic to all educational learning is reading, and I am proud to say students are challenged at all levels of learning. Next year, students will be challenged with a new computer-assisted online instruction program for advanced students in the areas of language arts and math.

Our students and staff at Muldown are blessed thanks to our community's involvement and the parents who volunteer tons of time. Having attended our traditional Arts in April and the recent Kindergarten Circus, I can attest to the active participation by students and adults alike in making Muldown a fun place to learn and the sharing of life experiences at an early age.

We have much to be proud of at Whitefish School District. We will continue to work 'smart" and hard, evaluate and change courses when needed, and will continue to be a caring and dedicated school district for all students.

I wish all of you a safe and happy summer. As always, please take care of yourselves and your loved ones. Thank you for all you do for our school and for our students.

Jerry House is superintendent of Whitefish School District.