Friday, January 31, 2025

Graffiti canruin towns

| March 11, 2009 11:00 PM

Has anyone noticed the dramitic increase in graffitti over the last several weeks around town? When I moved here six months ago, I saw it on the train trestle and one mailbox.

To date, just in my daily drive from home to the kids’ school, I have seen it on the side of the Great Northern Bar, all along the back alley behind Markus Foods, on the small building and apartments beside the Great Northern, all along the concrete on the viaduct, on signs along the newly built bike path, on various signs from Edgewood Drive to Second Street, as well as on postal boxes on Iowa and Colorado avenues.

These are all visible just during my morning route, I cringe to think how many more there may be if I ventured out.

It is  sad that a few individuals feel entitled to ruin what is an otherwise absolutely gorgeous town. Property values have all ready dipped due to the economy. Do wayward youths have a right to cause them to plummet more?

I encourage the community to realize that tagging is not just a “little thing.” It defaces our town and makes it look like no one cares. I will fight to perserve this place. I hope you will, too.

Michelle Phillips
