Friday, February 07, 2025

House passes stimulus bill, on to Senate

by  HD 11Janna Taylor
| March 31, 2009 11:00 PM

As everyone predicted, we passed the stimulus money bill, House Bill 645, out of the House. It's now in the Senate. They will probably change things around.

In the stimulus bill, every county gets $100,000 plus. This money is to be used for the quick-start or shovel-ready projects.

Lake County will receive $226,694.00 to be used mostly for South Valley Creek Bridge replacement, and some for Skyline bridge repair and courthouse weatherization.

Flathead County will get $429,261 for two road projects, Mennonite Church Road and Creston Road. Also, the Department of Transportation will receive more than $220 million additional money.

The largest cities and towns, 129 of them, will each receive $5,000 plus. Polson's share is $95,000 for water main replacement and Ronan gets $41,500 for 3rd Avenue NW road replacement. St. Ignatius' share is $21,300 for street, pedestrian and park repairs.

I am very concerned about our Health and Human Services Department. Lots of the Medicaid and food stamp money is in the stimulus bill. Of course, the federal matches for these programs are greater than the state dollars.

There is more worrisome spending in HB 645. The Americorps volunteer program is getting $500,000. How does a volunteer program create paying jobs? Culbertson and Malta are getting $225,900 each to build female latrines at their national guard armory.

Once the construction is over, how does a restroom create jobs? When our grandchildren are paying the debt for this, will they get anything out of it? I don't call that building for a better future.

At the very least, Montana needs a stimulus oversight commission. While all these federal dollars are being spent, we need to make absolutely certain it's being spent in a legitimate way. Many of us would like to see an oversight commission that includes members of the public.

Fortunately, Senate President Bob Story has introduced a bill to create a stimulus oversight commission. Known as Senate Bill 460, it passed the Senate and is now over on our side of the building in House Appropriation.

There are other funds for quick start weatherization programs, schools, school at-risk programs, and unemployment insurance. Some of the stimulus money will be added to our usual grant and loan programs to help water and sewer projects.

Lots of dollars for our area in these programs. $750,000 to Polson, Dayton and Ronan for water projects, even more for Bigfork, and $100,000 for Jette Meadows water improvements.

Last Saturday I was successful at blasting one of my bills. A blast motion takes a bill from a committee where it is tabled or sits on a tie vote. This bill stops double taxation when you buy a used car that still has some months left on it's registration. It is truly a fairness issue, but I'm afraid some legislators think it's too expensive.

I finally got a list showing the number of state employees in each pay bracket. We, the taxpayers of Montana, pay pretty well. Now, over 500 employees have salary and benefits over $100,000 per year. By 2011, there will be 780 with compensation packages that high.

Benefits are actually the most dangerous part. Retirement is based on the last years of employment. All of these retirees will get an annual increase of 3 percent, regardless of the inflation or deflation of our economy.

Next week, I'll write about property taxes again. We passed a reappraisal bill over to the Senate and they'll be working on it this week.

Please continue to contact me. I never forget that I work for you. Leave me a message at 406-444-4800, write Representative Janna Taylor, Capitol Building, PO Box 200400, Helena, MT 59620-0400, or email