Friday, February 07, 2025

A Letter from Rose

by G. George Ostrom
| May 7, 2009 11:00 PM

YES! Last week's column on economic depressions, and how I see the future, was serious … meant to be. The views were from a man of near 81 years experience speaking to those who don't have that frame of reference. Will try to put some humor in this week, but first, let me share part of a letter from Rose Ottosen of Bigfork. Received other nice comments, but Rose made my week:

"Dear George Ostrom,

What a delight it was for me to read your composition, "Why I'm an Optimist," in this week's Bigfork Eagle! It was like taking in a d-e-e-p breath of fresh mountain air, i.e., they are life-giving words. Thank You!

"… I hear so few voices of optimism, so few people who say, 'Hey, wait a minute! If each one of us picks up the broken pieces (of any situation) and forges something new from them, there is no limit to the life that can be fostered! By seriously taking responsibility for our own lives and reaching a hand to our neighbor, we'll do JUST FINE!'

"After all we only know the 'stuff' we're made of IF we are challenged and stretched. We are MADE to grapple with life's extremities. With 'faith, sacrifice, and hard work' we do indeed conquer and ultimately, become better men and women for it! Every generation has faced hardships. Our present circumstances are not anomalies!"

"Your voice in this valley has always been one of strength and integrity and consistently reflects, decade after decade, the spirit of courage that had shaped this nation. Please keep speaking out; voices like yours need to be heard above the sometimes all-too-convincing din of pessimism and irresponsibility!

"Again, Thank you."

Sincerely, Rose Ottosen"

That's how Rose made my week … maybe month.

Still cleaning my den, a job which may never be finished; however, it is fun when forgotten goodies are discovered. This week it was difficult to accept the fact at the maturing age of 58 I would write things which caused First Wife Iris to ask, "George Dear, have you no sense of literary shame?" Here's an example from July 23, 1986.

"My old waterproof poncho got ripped on our last climb in Glacier Park so Monday I went to the Sportsman Ski Haus to replace it. I noticed the new clerk, busy unpacking a shipment of foul weather gear, was a locally known political leftist, so I went to the manager, Mike Gwiazdon, and asked, "Howcum you've got that wild eyed liberal 'Rudy' working in the outdoor clothing department?"

"Mike put a hand on my shoulder and said, "George, you know that it is difficult finding experienced clerks. He may be far left in his political philosophy, but, 'Rudolph the Red' knows rain gear."

Was there humor around this past week? There always is for those who are looking.

The citizens of a small eastern Swiss Canton in the heart of the Alps have just passed legislation against hiking in the nude. It all started last autumn when many alpinists, mostly from Germany, began hitting the trails au-naturel. The government press release said, "The reactions of the population have shown that such appearances over a large area are perceived as thoroughly disturbing and irritating."

If I was hiking in Glacier with just male members of "The Gang" and we met some females along the trail who were wearing nothing but hiking boots and socks, I would not get angry. Might give them a friendly smile and maybe take a picture; HOWEVER, if I was hiking in Glacier with my daughters, granddaughter or other ladies and we met some males wearing only hiking boots and socks, I would get angry, call the rangers … and probably use "Bare" spray.

Sorry Iris! Maybe your husband will never develop a sense of "literary shame."

G. George Ostrom is a Kalispell resident and a national-award winning Hungry Horse News columnist.