Friday, February 07, 2025

It's generational theft

by Carroll Wright
| May 14, 2009 11:00 PM

I am writing to voice my concerns about the massive spending that is going on in Washington, D.C.

I know when I have too much debt, I try to pay down or save money. I do not go on a spending spree to acquire more debt for my children to pay off.

This kind of solution doesn’t make much sense, although I would not have to worry because I would be gone. This is exactly what our elected officials are doing. They are spending more money than any other time in history. They will be gone when the “piper” calls to collect this debt.

I call this “generational theft” because not only we, but our children and grandchildren, will be paying off this debt for decades to come. I always wanted my children to be better off than me when I’m gone, but this scheme puts more of a burden on them than I would have ever imagined.

Please government, get a clue, we are in a recession; you cannot put us into more debt by trying to spend us out of it. You are just expanding the problems our children will have to clean up.

Something to ponder. Do you remember just a few years ago when the government talked about a million dollars for this or that? Now it’s billions or trillions. They talk as if it’s just numbers, not real money. Where is the reality in their speech and/or decisions?

Can we trust government to manage all the money they are talking about? The president said they will watch that every cent is spent wisely. Can we trust his words? Can we trust this administration to do what others have not been able to do? Is it possible for a bloated government to manage money? Can you name one government program run efficiently? If the government was a business, it would have been bankrupt years ago. Think about it.

JFK said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” How did this get turned around so soon? It is the big tax and spenders that are running the show now. How would JFK feel now about his party?

To those that have authority over us, please do not rush to spend the trillions of our hard-earned monies on these programs. These bills are loaded with “earmarks,” such as the saltwater marsh mouse and bully education programs.

Come on, get real. I know it is just money. Please take time, don’t rush, think about the impact on our children. The president has mentioned hope so many times, but I see no hope for our children if this out-of-control spending goes unchecked.

By the way, senators, the next time you come to town, it would be nice if you came out from behind those closed doors to answer a few questions from your friends.

Carroll Wright lives in Whitefish.