Friday, January 31, 2025

Enjoys theater

| November 12, 2009 11:00 PM

I feel compelled to remind everyone in this wonderful community of the invaluable resource we have in the Whitefish Theatre Company. I have been fortunate to see numerous musical and theatrical performances at the theater for many years.

Recently, the Whitefish Theatre Company made it possible for 22 of my Columbia Falls Spanish students to attend the concert of the Argentinean band "Los Pinguos,"

Of those 22, only four had ever set foot in the beautiful O'Shaughnessy Center, and only a handful had ever seen live music. What an amazing life experience for these students. My students lit up with the thrill and excitement of live performance, and watching them was almost as entertaining as the music itself.

To the staff, the board and the many, many inspiring volunteers who make the Whitefish Theatre Company what it is, muchas gracias.

Paula Koch

Columbia Falls

Spanish teacher

Third Street

As a member of the Heart of Whitefish, I am offended at being blacklisted from the half-page advertisement in last week's paper.

Despite my opposition to the downtown street project, I think that the construction company did an outstanding job with Third Street. They were both timely and courteous.

I have been outspoken in my opposition to the street reconstruction and will continue to be. Apparently, however, if you are a member of the Heart of Whitefish, you are not allowed to criticize or disagree.

Yes, I do expect a public apology, and in the same size ad that ran last week. Please include the other two businesses on Third Street that you ignored.

Cheryl Watkins


Investing scam

Senior citizens are hearing and reading warnings about dangerous investments in life insurance buy-outs commonly referred to as "viaticals." Here is my experience.

In 1997, based on the urging of my Missoula agent who held my University of Montana annuity investment which paid 8 percent per year, I allowed the transfer of the full amount of $26,059 to a viatical program. In three years, the fund was predicted to increase by about 40 percent.

Years passed and I alluded to a possible scam. The agent assured me that all was well, his wife had profited nicely in the program and he wrote to me, "You will receive your money." Note his word "will."

Twelve years have passed. Each year, I receive an accounting that states my fund at $26,059. I cannot get the fun returned to me 'say nothing of interest earned) as it is "illiquid" since the viatical company was placed in receivership by the courts. That company even sends me bills for the costs of managing my account.

Since the Missoula agent wrote that I will receive my fund, I assume that he will immediately send me a check for $29,059 plus a reasonable amount for interest. But my financial status is solid. I am going to have that Missoula agent buy me a piece of the Brooklyn Bridge and a square mile of the Gulf of Mexico. I am also considering beach front property in the central Sahara.

Caveat emptor, even if your agents claim to be honest.

Richard Solberg


Health care

The health care debate is no longer about rising deficits and rationed care — it's about freedom. The federal government is on the verge of implementing the final takeover of free will for our citizens.

The government has taken over the banking, automobile and mortgage industries. With legislation pending in Congress, it's going to take over health and energy. They're doing this not by nationalizing the industries outright, but by forming a consortium of government and big business. This by definition is fascism.

What better way to control the people than by controlling their access to health care, energy and the money supply? This has not happened overnight. The country has been headed in this direction for some time. Creation of crises has allowed this current government to accelerate the process.

The founders of our Republic knew this and established our Constitution, by the people and for the people, to place limits on the government. Not the other way around. We need politicians who follow the laws of our Constitution.

John Vail


Election thanks

I would like to thank all the people of the greater Whitefish area for enduring another election season. While it was at times controversial, this community is one of great character and commitment and that is what we will focus on as we move ahead.

I would like to extend my gratitude to all of those who supported me in this election — whether it was displaying a sign, taking the time to meet with me, passing my message to others, or a word of encouragement — please know that you are greatly appreciated.

I look forward to serving our great city of Whitefish, and I commit to you to be honest and thoughtful as we, together, strive to make Whitefish the best it can be for all of us.

I would also like to acknowledge my fellow candidates, Frank Sweeney, Bill Kahle and Phil Mitchell. I respect each one of you and thank you for your interest in our city.

I am humbled by the honor of being your city councilor.

Chris Hyatt
