Friday, January 31, 2025

Lakeside to get turn lane in 2013

| November 12, 2009 11:00 PM

West Shore News

Work to improve safety on U.S. Highway 93 south of Lakeside will likely begin in the summer of 2013, a representative from the Montana Department of Transportation told the Lakeside Community Council recently.

Shane Stack, MDT Missoula District pre-construction engineer, updated the council on the project, which will add a southbound left-turn lane on Highway 93 for the Political Hill Road approach.

The work zone will begin at milepost 97.2, south of the Political Hill Road approach, and extend 0.5 miles to milepost 97.7, south of the Blacktail Road intersection

The project will widen the existing road to the west, and resurface the highway with a chip seal surface treatment and new markings.

Construction will involve some cutaway from the slope of the hillside and erosion protection, according to MDT.

MDT plans out its construction program five years in advance, which is why physical work on the project won’t begin for another four years.

In the meantime, MDT will work on final designs, environmental assessments and funding for the project.

MDT will also look into right-a-way issues, as limited property acquisition and utility relocations may be required. Staff will contact affected landowners prior to survey work and construction.

For more information contact Stack at 523-5830 or Ben Nunnallee, district projects engineer, at 523-5846.

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