Friday, February 07, 2025

Abortion is genocide

| October 8, 2009 11:00 PM

To the editor,

When the leftists claim those that oppose Obama's policies do it because they are racist, I think of how Obama's Democrat party has promoted black genocide

Did you know that 36 percent of women that get abortions in this country are black, yet black women comprise only 6 percent of the U.S. population? Or that Planned Parenthood has located 94 percent of their abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods? Or that 60 percent of pregnancies of black women end in abortion? Or that abortion is the No. 1 cause of death in black communities? Does any of this appear racist?

Planned Parenthood's founder, Margaret Sanger, was an unabashed eugenicist; she and Adolph Hitler had mutual admiration. Barack Obama gets 100 percent score from Planned Parenthood.The Democrat Party supports the right to abortion in their party platform. The majority of Democrat representatives in Washington DC and in Montana vote to support abortion rights. Notable, in Montana, two of the three prolife Democrats that supported a personhood amendment are Native Americans.

Montana ProLife Coalition is hosting a Personhood Convention Oct.16-18—Friday evening in Great Falls, all day Saturday in Missoula, and Sunday in Helena. Two of our speakers will be black pastors from Oakland (Pastor Walter Hoye) and Dallas (Pastor Stephen Broden). Montana Democratic Senator Johnathan Windyboy, a powerful speaker will also be speaking.

I hope you'll read up on black, native American and Hispanic genocide through abortion and come listen to these awesome men. And please, prolife Democrats, read your party platform and see how unaligned it is with your beliefs.

Roland Horst
