Thursday, March 13, 2025


| October 8, 2009 11:00 PM

Fish, Wildlife and Parks officials will be at Snappy’s Sports Senter in Kalispell on Thursday, Oct. 15. from 6-8 p.m. to answer any questions about hunting, big game and regulations.

“Flakes,” a new backcountry ski movie, will play at the Great Northern Bar and Grill on Thursday, Oct. 15, at 7 p.m. Shot entirely in high-definition, this hour-long showcase of last winter’s adventures covers Patagonia, the Wasatch Mountains, Haines and Valdez in Alaska, the San Juans in Colorado and Aspen. Tickets are $10 at the door, and it’s a 21-and-over event. To order DVDs and view the trailer, visit online at

Flathead Valley Community College Theatre will present Tina Howe’s masterpiece “The Art of Dining” on Oct. 15-17. Centered in a little restaurant known as The Golden Carousel, Howe tells the story of Cal, a restaurant manager who uncontrollably eats due to nervous exhaustion, and his wife Ellen, a cook whose patience has reached an end with Cal’s inability to let her finish a single dish before it is devoured. Faced with rising debt, the couple is forced to cater to customers bordering on the insane, from a paranoid writer to the couple whose only remaining sexual pleasure is lived vicariously through fine dining. The cast includes Nathan Adkins, Jami Jacobson, Aly Root, Joshua Kelly, Karrisa Brown, Jon Shaw, Nicole Slye, Heather Smith and Holly Croft. The play contains adult language and minor sexual content. Performances will begin at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 general admission and $5 students and seniors available in advance at the FVCC Bookstore or online at For more information, call 756-3962 or e-mail


Whitefish High School will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Bulldogs winning the Class A state football championship during halftime of the game against Polson on Friday, Oct. 16. A reception will follow at Sherwood’s Sports Bar, at the Mountain Mall. Individuals with information on past players are asked to e-mail athletic director Jackie Fuller at or Colleen Sullivan at


The historic steam locomotive that stopped in Whitefish on July 4 will return here on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 17-18. The Southern Pacific No. 4449, nicknamed “The Daylight,” made its maiden run on May 30, 1941. Built by Lima Locomotive Works, of Ohio, the locomotive was retired on Oct. 2, 1957, and put on static display in Oaks Park, in Portland, Ore. For more information, visit online at or go to for video of “The Daylight” in action.


Whitefish dog park supporters will hold a clean-up and get-acquainted day at the Hugh Rogers Wag Dog Park on Sunday, Oct. 18, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Calling the event “Bag the Wag,” the Whitefish Animal Group (WAG) will host a dog-agility demonstration with Jean Carter, offer raffle prizes and provide some light refreshments. A free raffle ticket will be given to all who volunteer to help clean the park, with the drawing to be held the day of the event. The parks department has winterized the park drinking fountain and there is no water available for dogs. Wag board members will be leading the cleanup throughout the park to prepare it for winter. They will also have information about the proposed gazebo for the park and fundraising information. For more information, visit online at or call Diane Ward at 862-3624.

The Whitefish Review editors will close the submission period for issue No. 6 on Sunday, Oct. 18. The issue will come out in December. Founded in 2007, the Whitefish Review is a semi-annual literary journal that publishes fiction, non-fiction, poetry, art, photography and interviews, with a slant toward mountain culture. Talent ranges from students and emerging artists to well-known authors and artists. In each issue, a 12-page glossy color section showcases art and photography, accompanied by commentaries. For more information, visit online at or call Brian Schott at 261-6190.


Loula’s cafe, in the Masonic Lodge on East Second Street, will hold a fundraiser for the North Valley Food Bank on Monday, Oct. 19, beginning at 6:30 p.m. A family-style dinner will be served at the Feed The Food Bank event. Suggested donations are $20. For reservations, call 862-5614.


The Sunburst Foundation will present the Victoria, B.C., band The Gruff at the Lincoln County High School auditorium in Eureka on Tuesday, Oct. 20, beginning at 7 p.m. The three female musicians play a wide range of music, from bluegrass and old-time country to rock and roll. Their latest CD “A Trail Of Missing Thoughts” was released in February 2008. Tickets are $12 adults and $5 students available at the door. For more information, call 406-297-0197.

Miriam Katz, a holistic nutritionist, will talk about body changes as it cycles through the seasons at The Green Tea House, 415 Second Street East, on Tuesday, Oct. 20, from 7-9 p.m. She has more than 30 years of teaching cooking and guiding individuals on dietary choices and food allergies. Suggested donation is $10. For more information, call 862-6573.


The Dirty Hands Garden Club will meet in the Whitefish Library’s Community Room on Wednesday, Oct. 21, at 7 p.m. The meeting is open to the public.

The Flathead County Planning Board will hold a public hearing on county’s draft Parks and Recreation Master Plan, which is intended to become an element of the Flathead County Growth Policy. The planning board will meet on Wednesday, Oct. 21, beginning at 6 p.m. in the second floor conference room of the Earl Bennett Building, 1035 First Avenue West, in Kalispell. For more information, call the county planning office at 751-8200 or visit online at Written comments should be submitted by Oct. 21.