Friday, January 31, 2025

Wants Sweeney

| October 15, 2009 11:00 PM

The candidates for Whitefish City Council have now all had their say, both in the press and two town-hall meetings. After reading carefully what each has had to say and listening to their public comments, one candidate clearly stands above all the others; that candidate is Frank Sweeney.

Only one candidate served on the Critical Areas Ordinance advisory committee: Frank Sweeney.

Only one candidate has even read the Critical Areas Ordinance: Frank Sweeney.

Only one candidate has read the Critical Lands Report, the science behind the Critical Areas Ordinance: Frank Sweeney.

Only one candidate has served on the Whitefish City-County Planning Board: Frank Sweeney.

Only one candidate has had experience on the Whitefish City Council: Frank Sweeney.

Only Frank Sweeney has demonstrated his commitment to city issues and resolving those issues in favor of the common good, not in favor of some special interest.

Mr. Sweeney and I have not always agreed, but he has always listened and considered my opinion. He will listen carefully and weigh the facts before making a decision or casting a vote.

Only one candidate has earned my respect and my vote. I hope you will join me in voting for Frank Sweeney for Whitefish City Council.

Richard Hildner


Downtown 'survey

In a recent newspaper interview, Whitefish City Council candidate Phil Mitchell estimated that 90 percent of downtown businesses were against the streetscape and that the council was moving forward with the project against the majority's will.

Being a downtown business owner and never having been polled on this issue, I was prompted to take my own informal poll (with assistance from a third-generation downtown merchant).

The question was posed as objectively and straightforward as possible: Are you for, against or have no opinion on the downtown streetscape project?

Of the 41 businesses owners we polled on Central Avenue including cross-streets for one block east and west from Railway Street to Third Street (note, an additional 10 were not available for comment), only 13 were against it. That's 31 percent.

Why such a surprisingly low number compared to the erroneous estimates that have been thrown out there? It's because the reality is during the five-year public process that is now the downtown master plan, people's concerns were addressed, compromises and amendments were made (even a requested 11th hour re-visit from the consultants to address any lingering doubts took place).

The council was listening. But please don't take my word for it, go online to and read the city council minutes over the last several years, it's all there.

Or, like me, you can find out for yourself. Go downtown and ask around, and while you're there, enjoy the downtown that we all love and want to preserve, whether you are for the improvements or not.

Pat Carloss


Likes Sweeney

It is unfortunate our community can be so divided when we all have so much in common. We all love Whitefish for its quality of life, good schools, economic growth, clean water, healthy environment and recreational opportunities.

The Whitefish City Council members are our neighbors and want what is best for our community. Unfortunately, being on the council can be a thankless job for those willing enough to serve the community they love. I want to thank the current city council for their time and commitment and the candidates for their willingness to serve.

I would hope the candidates be informed members of the community with knowledge of the public processes in recent years and details of the Downtown Master Plan, the update of the Whitefish Growth Policy, the Critical Areas Ordinance, and the Lakeshore Protection Regulations, as well as our subdivision regulations and zoning laws. There is so much to be familiar with in order to make an informed decision on matters coming before council.

After attending the recent candidate forums held by the Whitefish Chamber of Commerce and Quality Whitefish, it is ever so clear to me that the candidate who has the most experience, knowledge and intelligence to help guide Whitefish through the next four years is Frank Sweeney.

With Frank's expertise on the local policies and ordinances, as well as years of community service, I trust him to always be prepared and to make the most informed decisions for our community. Our economic engine is our clean air, water, beauty, recreational opportunities and community.

I trust Frank to help promote ways to fuel economic development, yet guide growth in a responsible and sustainable way, while protecting the very reasons why people want to live, work and play in Whitefish. Please vote for Frank Sweeney.

Mary Person




Doughnuts …donuts …60 cents per dozen. I owned a doughnut shop for 27 years and sold thousands of donuts, and never did I believe that donuts could come back to haunt me.

The doughnuts didn't like to be dropped in hot vegetable oil and rolled around in powdered sugar or cinnamon or be covered with chocolate icing.

An interlocal agreement, where I now live, created an area called the donut. Four years ago, I chose to move to this area, not knowing it was named after a small, ring-shaped cake. It is a beautiful place, and the only thing required of me here is to pay taxes.

However, the doughnut makers took away my right to vote. Every time I now hear the term doughnut, I am reminded a new recipe is needed. It is time to change the ingredients that make up the Whitefish City Council.

Many who live in this special two-mile radius have contributed in countless ways to make the city of Whitefish what it is today. Whitefish has been quick to benefit from the vision, generosity, passion and fundraising talents of those who live in this so-called donut.

Now, find me some stout-hearted men and women who will be as quick to accept their vote as well, and I'll take a dozen. Stuck in a doughnut hole.

Vic Miller


Wants Sweeney

Fall is in the air. The kids are back in school, and hopefully we have a bit more time to enjoy the outdoors as we all start to winterize. The recent cold snap reminds us we truly do live and love in a region with four seasons.

It's not only hunting season (good luck out there) but election season as well. As one who has been serving you for the last 20 months, I feel it is important to take the high ground when groups or individuals with non-community-minded agendas distort facts and engage in negative-spin tactics. I know that you are all too intelligent to be swayed by such mischievery. I will be brief and truthful.

City council candidate Frank Sweeney is committed to serving the citizenry of Whitefish with no agenda other than working to make the most informed decisions for the greater good of our community. He listens to input from all sides and makes rational decisions based on facts and reason. He is selfless and believes in working together to move Whitefish forward.

If you have questions about the issues facing our city and want to know the truth, please check out the Web site at or feel free to call me at 871-7333.

You can also get on city manager Chuck Stearns' e-mail list to keep yourself "in the loop." Just call or e-mail the city.

A vote for Frank Sweeney is a vote for the future betterment of Whitefish. Thank you for your time.

Ryan Friel

Whitefish City Council

Likes Mitchell

We were pleased to learn that Phil Mitchell is running for a seat on the Whitefish City Council.

Phil has been a longtime resident of Whitefish, raising his family here while volunteering on many community boards and donating countless hours to giving back to the community.

Phil is known for his honesty, integrity and common sense, and would represent our citizens fairly and not play "political games." He holds Whitefish dear to his heart, will protect the water quality of Whitefish Lake and listen to those he represents.

By voting for Phil, the citizens of Whitefish will greatly benefit from his management and budgeting skills.

As Whitefish business, residential and doughnut property owners, we encourage all of our fellow Whitefish residents to vote for Phil Mitchell. For more than 30 years, we have known Phil to be one of the best citizens of Whitefish.

Jeff and Susie Jensen

Don Jensen


Supports Sweeney

While attending the candidate forum at the Great Northern Brewery a week ago, three of the four candidates made it clear that they think the Critical Areas Ordinance needs to be revised.

When pushed a bit on the subject those three admitted that they had not read the ordinance. One helpfully said that he had "a friend" tell him it was too strict and hard to understand.

This is probably the same "friend" who is paying for the out-of-state push-poll calls and sending out pamphlets with half truths and innuendos.

Frank Sweeney is the only candidate who has been working with the community throughout this process. He is a man that has volunteered his time on numerous projects and makes his own informed decisions.

It is easy to wade in after many meetings of consideration and compromise to criticize the result. Our local government needs community involvement to be effective. It needs people who are willing to spend the time to read the documents and listen to the testimony of its citizens, whether or not they have a financial interest in the outcome.

The people of Whitefish have done a good job picking dedicated council members. Please do it again and elect Frank Sweeney.

Karen Reeves


Rotary Club

I want to congratulate our Whitefish Rotary Club. They recently announced that they will celebrate their second annual Spirit of Whitefish evening by honoring The Shepherd's Hand Free Clinic of Whitefish at a special evening of fun and fundraising on Nov. 7 at the Lodge at Whitefish Lake.

This amazing local clinic, created by Dr. Jay Erickson and Meg Erickson in 1995, offers free medical services to area families by doctors and others who continually volunteer their services and resources to those among us that are in need.

In addition to the award for Shepherd's Hand Free Clinic, Rotarians will raise dollars that will come back to our town through silent auctions for valuable goods and services, as well as raffles for several gold Krugerrands, each worth more than $900.

The Rotary Club of Whitefish has given back since it was formed in 1937. The money raised during the Spirit of Whitefish Award event and others through the year will make important projects possible, including area blood drives, the annual Christmas Program that provides gifts and food to families and children in need. In addition, the club currently supports international efforts, such as the education of four children in Kathmandu, Nepal, construction of self-composting latrines in Togo, Africa, extending micro loans to budding entrepreneurs, and the eradication of polio in the four countries where it still exists.

I hope you will join me in helping Whitefish Rotary celebrate the second Spirit of Whitefish award event and honor the Shepherd's Hand Clinic on Nov. 7. Speak to any Rotarian or call Scott Ringer at 871-0393 to get tickets.

Bruce Aronson


Homecoming thanks

We want to thank the Whitefish community for their support during Homecoming week. The turn out for all of the week's events was fantastic.

The pep rally and bonfire on Monday kicked off the week, and the high school students really participated in the hall decorations, dress-up days and spirit competitions. Thank you to all the people who participated and attended the parade on Friday.

A special thank-you goes out to the following businesses and individuals for their support and donations: Leonard and Billie Jean Howke; Midway Rental, Reimer Family; Courtney and Company Photography, Jill Courtney; Whitefish School District Food Services, Jay Stagg; and Celebrate Party Rental, GJ and Sandy Hensen.

The week could not have gone as well without the support and energy of the PTA and CARE and the parents who decorated for the sporting events. Thanks to Jeannie Sattler for organizing the PTA help. A big thank you to Michelle Kuntz and CARE, who helped organize many of the events of the week.

A major thank-you goes out to Denise Luke and the Whitefish Funseekers Corvette and Yacht Club for providing their cars for the royalty at the football game.

Todd Spangler

Whitefish High School

Homecoming Committee advisor

Wants Sweeney

Just a reminder to be careful when you choose who will carry on your hopes for your town. There is no way I can improve on the letter by Chris Coughlin. She hit the nail on the head.

There are certainly those that will work to change Whitefish among the current men that are running for Whitefish City Council. We as citizens just can't give in to the opposing Realtors and their agenda to populate all of the open land around and in our town, or to allow the critical areas solutions to be mishandled, as they were created to help maintain the most precious and outstanding features of our area.

To allow this to happen would be the outcome of the letter distributed to each of our households — by a Realtor. Need I say more?

I would encourage you to vote for Frank Sweeny. He has done an outstanding job so far, and I am sure he will continue to do so. He has the area's interests in mind. I plan to vote for Frank, and will be very careful about the others I vote for.

From a former councilor.

Shirley Jacobson
