Friday, February 07, 2025

Letters to the Editor

| October 22, 2009 11:00 PM

Competition has many facesThe American society welcomes both public and private sectors. America would not be if it was only public. America would not be if it was only private. It's the effort from both the private and public sectors that has made this country. The competition has been healthy and productive. Often times the competition has been complementary. Medicare and Medigap plans are an example. This is Americanism.

Take for example the competition between the following: Fed Ex, UPS and the U.S. Postal Service; public education and private education; public broadcasting system and private TV networks; National Public Radio and locally owned radio stations; Federal Peace Corps and church mission groups; national and state parks and private amusement parks

America is ready to see public and private health care insurance exist side by side for the general public. A public health care plan will be a welcomed choice. Our freedom of choice is what America is all about. The benefits are wide spread. We will have a stronger country because of it. More people will receive the health care they need. It will help allow more accessibility and affordability for all. It is a way to keep both private and public companies honest and more competitive. This is Americanism. The time is now. We need this new choice.

JoLynn Yenne
