Friday, February 07, 2025

Remember to vote May 4

| April 29, 2010 11:00 PM

Letter from the editor

Tuesday, May 4, is an important day for Bigfork, and it's not because the cast for the Bigfork Summer Playhouse arrives the night before.

Elections for both the two open positions on the Bigfork School Board and the Bigfork Rural Fire District Board will take place that day. While these may not seem as important or involve as much campaigning or attention as the upcoming county, state and federal elections, these two elections have direct and regular impact on the future and safety of the Village.

That's why it is important to make an informed decision. You can find out more about the candidates for these races on page C1 this week. Read up. Talk to others and do some research.

And then vote. Remember to mail in your fire district ballot — it has to arrive by May 4, not just be postmarked by that date. And visit the ARK at Bethany Lutheran Church on Tuesday to cast your vote in the school board election between 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

—Jasmine Linabary