Friday, January 31, 2025


by Dan Graves
| August 5, 2010 11:00 PM

My eyes were tearing up and it became harder to sing as the lump in my throat seemed to get larger. The Mass had just concluded for this Fourth of July and the congregation was singing those beautiful words — "America, America, God shed his grace on thee. And crown thy good with brotherhood…"

Over the past few days I've reflected on that moment and what it meant to me. One doesn't have to listen to the news of the world very long before you truly understand how lucky we are to be Americans and yet there are forces within this country that continue to want to tear it down and convince us that we aren't that good.

Since the founding of this country 400 years ago, the people that migrated here were looking for liberty. They wanted the freedom to worship to God outside the constraints of the state church. They wanted the freedom to plant their own farms, chart their own destiny, build their own industry, trade with whom they wanted to trade, and reap the benefits of their own hard work. They wanted liberty from an oppressive government that taxed them heavily, constrained their life, and told them how to live. They knew that God created all men equalÉnot that men should have all things equal, but rather the choice to seek success, fortune, property, simplicity or minimal basics.

And in the last 400 years we've evolved to a nation that has always come to the aid of other countries being oppressed. We've crossed oceans and continents to save millions of people during two world wars and others shedding the blood of our precious men and women in the military. We are the most generous country in the world when it comes to charity to others. We defend ourselves when attacked. And yet, we are often maligned from abroad — and sometimes from within our own country.

Set aside the labels of political parties and just look at the actions or our leaders and the people they hold as close confidants. "You'll know the tree by the fruit it bears." Even our government leaders act and speak as if they are not proud of this country. They change words to hide the true meanings of their actions and thoughts. Don't you find it demeaning that they can call the war on terror an "overseas contingency operation" or the World Trade Center attack a "man made disaster"? How many times do we need to hear our president and cabinet members exhort the 'redistribution of wealth" or the latestÉ"undocumented citizen"? The only time you would speak that way in normal life is to hide an untruth. Now, more than ever I realize that our leaders and many politicians are so far removed from the common world of getting up each morning to work hard for a family and to just make a living.

I wonder how our maimed men and women, or families who have had members killed in Iraq or Afghanistan feel about the war on terror they fight every day being called an "overseas contingency operation". I wonder how they feel about not being allowed to shoot at the enemy until they're shot at first. I wonder how they feel about getting a medal for "courageous restraint". Do you find this insane? Our leaders are expecting our most valuable resource, our children in uniform, to fight with their hands tied behind their back. I shudder when I think that many if not most of these political leaders have never served a day in their life in military or law enforcement, let alone been shot at. War is ugly and awful. But, if we decide to go, we'd better decide to win decisively, quickly and come home as fast we can. If they can't understand that, they shouldn't be voting on a military action.

When I heard our Secretary of State speak recently in the Ukraine, I shook my head in astonishment. In her words, "So, part of the challenge of economic growth and prosperity is to make sure it gets down and equally spread among people." The Ukraine suffered horribly under the Soviet Union. There isn't a country in the world now or ever that has flourished under socialism, but rather the contrary. The powerful few in political power are the winners. The rest of the country suffers from underproduction, governmental constraints, lethargic economic growth, severe poverty, and police state mentality. Unfortunately, Mrs. Clinton isn't the only one in political power that is charging hard for socialism. Almost every member of the cabinet and our president is reminding us regularly that we must redistribute wealth. If you haven't heard, start doing research. I think you'll find it scary. They don't dare say we must become a socialist country, but their actions are very clear.

In 1962 Russian Premier Khrushchev said, "We can't expect the American people to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their leaders by giving them small amounts of socialism until they awaken one day to find out they have communism." He also said that communism would take over America "without firing a shot."

Have our leaders not learned from Europe? The Greek economy is imploding and Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Ireland are close behind. Our president lauds Spain's environmental programs. However, a month ago Spain's government announced their economic system is unsustainable. They have freely admitted that for every one green job created in Spain, two other private jobs were lost and that the government subsidies for the green programs were bankrupting the country. And yet, American capitalism has allowed us to live a higher standard of living than any other country in the world — and thereby giving us the means to freely help those less fortunate. Do you really think it is a coincidence that we have attained so much in spite of being a free, capitalist society?

How did we get to a point in this country where we have made the wealthy and productive in society the villains? I've worked for productive small businessmen or wealthy people all my life and I thank God for it. They're special. They are usually gutsy people that take chances few of us would take just in an effort to build the next "best mousetrap", or find a cure for cancer, or create the best restaurant food in town. Most are smarter than the rest of us and we benefit by this. The middleclass wouldn't exist without these people — our employers. But instead, the government is villainizing them and taxing them to the point that they are moving their employee base out of the country. Is it great that the governmental job growth is far outpacing private industry? Don't you find it alarming since each governmental job needs about 4-5 private jobs' income taxes to pay for their wages. According to an article in the Boston Globe, "The Office of Personnel Management show the average federal salary is now roughly $71,000 — about 76 percent higher than the average private salary." Many of the government jobs come with lucrative pension plans further burdening our country. Very few companies are offering pension plans, except for union jobs, because the companies can't sustain that burden.

I'm also saddened by the constant talk that creates division among us. We're Americans — a country of many peoples. Most of us have roots from our immigrant heritage. That's what is truly special about America. We came in the past and still come for the freedom to pursue happiness. With the liberties we have enjoyed we have grown into a nation that attained more success in science, industry and agriculture than any country in the world.

Why is it that we have had problems with our immigration for decades and yet politicians won't fix it? Could it be because they're too worried about how their actions might not get them re-elected? This isn't a racial issue although that always seems to be the mantra. Most of our citizens (legal habitants' just want our laws upheld. What's so wrong that? Maybe our leaders are too busy blaming this person or that person instead of just working through a problem logically. In reality, the 12-20 million illegal immigrants, not 'undocumented citizens', aren't going to be sent back to their home country. It isn't feasible and it isn't forgiving. So, let's get them a step-by-step path to citizenship. Fine them for the illegal entry; they did break the law. Require a literacy test for English and our American historyÉafter all, they want to be Americans and this doesn't take away their personal heritage. My Italian grandparents learned English upon arrival at Ellis Island in 1912. Heavily fine businesses who hire undocumented aliens. This will slow the demand. Create a foreign worker program. And very important, secure the border with troops. That's a role defined in the Constitution for the federal government.

Don't let the politicians separate us by shouting "race" or "intolerance." They only do this to create unrest so they can stay in power. Maybe we should pay attention to our Founding Fathers mentality that politicians should serve for short periods of time with little payment for services. They knew that when government offices became a place of power and wealth the wishes of the citizens would be cast aside. Benjamin Franklin warned of this during the Constitutional ConventionÉ"Place before the eyes of such men a post of honor, that shall at the same time be a place of profit, and they will move heaven and earth to obtain it." I love to see someone running for office who would self limit their term and refuse the over bloated pension. I'd know then that our best interests are first and foremost on their mind — not theirs.

America is a great country. Don't ever be ashamed of it. Take the time to read our true history of our founding fathers in their own words. It's more interesting than a vampire movie or Lady Gaga. The Real George Washington will captivate you. If you're still not sure about how special America is — try living in any other country for a year, perhaps Venezuela or Somalia or Greece. You'll find the grass isn't greener.

God bless America.

Dan Graves

Whitefish, MT