Thursday, February 27, 2025

Racy pics

by Joni Foster
| August 12, 2010 11:00 PM

I read with interest in the police log in the July 22 issue of the Pilot that "a woman was concerned about young children seeing pictures of naked women in the rest room of the Bulldog Saloon."

I visited Whitefish last week and went to the Bulldog. Lo and behold, the pictures in the ladies room (I'm a woman) were altered so that you wouldn't have to be concerned about young children seeing them. I would like to say the following to the woman (who is choosing to remain anonymous, I understand) who complained:

First of all, both rest rooms have notices clearly posted on them with instructions on how to take your child to the rest room without them seeing naked pictures.

Second, if she's concerned that children won't be able to read the notices, she should be more concerned about parents who allow their children to go to the rest room in a bar unaccompanied. That would be inappropriate and could be downright dangerous.

I could understand her point if there were naked pictures in McDonald's or another venue that is designed for young children, but the Bulldog Saloon is a bar. It's something you would expect to see in a bar.

What's next? Will she complain that young children will be exposed to adults drinking liquor in the Bulldog, or the telling of off-color jokes, or maybe even an occasional bar fight?

I understand the pictures have been in the Bulldog since the early 1980's. I also understand that this woman has threatened to picket the Bulldog. I doubt that she will, however, because so far she has chosen to remain nameless and faceless, most likely because her complaint is so ridiculous.

If she doesn't like the pictures in the Bulldog, maybe she needs to frequent another bar.

Joni Foster

Vancouver, Wash.

Editor's note: The Pilot does not name people in the police log who report concerns to authorities.