Friday, February 07, 2025

Revised plan to be reviewed by council

| February 18, 2010 11:00 PM

West Shore News

The revised Lakeside Neighborhood Plan has now been released for residents who want the chance to review it prior to the Lakeside Community Council's upcoming meeting, where the plan may be sent on to the Flathead County Planning Board.

The council will consider input at its Feb. 23 meeting, and consider forwarding the revised plan to the county along with any comment received.

At the council's January meeting, members voted unanimously to accept the roughly 60 changes made to the plan since its last official version in July and requested that Barb Miller, committee secretary and council member, prepare a final version of the document for council members' review.

The revised plan is now available online on the Lakeside Neighborhood Plan Committee's Web site,, and on the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Web site,

Many of the changes came from a workshop with the planning board in October as well as input from Citizens for a Better Flathead, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks and community members. The revised plan also reflects discussion surrounding the withdrawal of the application for phases 5-9 of Lakeside Club, also known as Eagle's Crest. The committee Web site has a summary of these changes.

More opportunities for comment will still be available for the plan following this meeting. The planning board may or may not schedule another public workshop on the plan. Following that, the board can schedule a public hearing. Once the board makes a recommendation to the Flathead County Commissioners on the plan, another session will be held during which the commissioners will consider adopting the revised Lakeside Neighborhood Plan as an addendum to the Flathead County Growth Policy. Even after the commissioners make their decision, there will be a 30-day protest period before the plan is officially adopted.

Comments on the plan can be submitted prior to the council meeting by e-mailing or mailing a letter to P.O. Box 157, Lakeside, MT 59922. Those submitting letters or e-mails are encourage to provide their names and place of residence or property ownership, in case follow up is needed.