Friday, January 31, 2025

North Fork social calendar filling

| June 10, 2010 11:00 PM

LARRY WILSON / For the Hungry Horse News

Despite the cool, mostly wet, weather North Forkers are still convinced that summer will arrive. An unusually large crowd was on hand at Sondreson Hall for the first 2010 meeting of the North Fork Landowners Association.

This summer's schedule — recently mailed to all landowners — concentrates on an expanded social calendar. The object is to restore more fun in the community. As a result, a big part of the summer activities include hikes, bike rides, float trips, bird watching and plant identification for outdoor activities as well as more evenings in the Community Hall. Indoor activities include square dancing, game nights, pie and ice cream socials, as well as informational and educational events.

Of these, the first activity, the Land Use Advisory meeting, is at 7 p.m. June 11 at Sondreson Hall followed by instruction on landscaping with native plants June 16. Terry Divoky will teach the class from 10 a.m. to noon. There is no cost but participants should bring a sack lunch.

Of course, in addition to fun there is always some business. NFLA President, Betsy Holycross, announced that the Road Committee would be suspended until the conclusion of the Montana Department of Transportation feasibility study. The $125,000 project should be finished this fall and the committee will be reactivated to continue its job of informing and educating landowners.

Member Richard Wackrow handed out a 12-page packet outlining his concerns regarding increased Border Patrol activity, which includes a grant to local law enforcement agencies to patrol the North Fork, threatens our independence, privacy, safety and community.

After discussing Wackrow's concerns, a motion was passed directing the NFLA to write to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to obtain the current threat analysis as it pertains to the North Fork. The "threat analysis' drives the need for staffing and equipment to protect our borders.

A motion to request a copy of the grant contract with the Flathead County Sheriff failed.

No matter how we feel, it is certain that Border Patrol activity on the North Fork is very expensive and designed (hopefully) to protect the whole country. We should keep informed and I hope the NFLA invites the Border Patrol to attend a meeting to address local concerns. Also, folks will have the opportunity to ask questions at the Interlocal Wednesday, July 7 at 1 p.m. at Sondreson Hall.