Friday, January 31, 2025

Cheers for volunteers

by Jake Heckathorn
| October 20, 2010 10:34 AM

Walter Sayre completed his education in his native state of Colorado before serving a four-year hitch in the Navy. He then accepted employment with Continental Airlines, and in 1977 was offered a promotion which required a move to the Flathead.

He was reluctant to make the move, but deciding his career depended upon it, he accepted. He describes his thought process upon arriving in Whitefish as, “Wow, I’ve died and gone to heaven,” and “There is no way I’m ever going to leave this place.”

He met and married his wife Anna in Colorado. She spent many years as a nurse at the Montana Veterans Home in Columbia Falls. The couple have one son, Roger, who lives in Kalispell.

Walter, being “a people person and history buff,” naturally gravitated to the Stumptown Historical Society, in which he has held every office and currently serves as president. For years, he wrote the “Looking Back” section for the Whitefish Pilot, and he’s written a book called “A Whimsical Look at Whitefish.”

Much of his attention is directed toward interviewing old timers and recording the history of local families, of which he has completed approximately 300. He enjoys a “get together” on the third Tuesday of each month at 12:30 p.m. at the Whitefish Community Center (home of the Golden Agers) and invites one and all to join him in an exchange of stories.

When asked why he volunteers, Walter pondered a moment and said, “For the joy of it.” He explained that he gets such a good feeling from volunteering, he sometimes wonders whether he is motivated by selfishness.

Walter, whatever the motivation, the work you do is priceless and will be enjoyed not only by your peers but by generations to come. Your community appreciates what you do, and thanks you.

— Jake Heckathorn

This column is dedicated to those who give freely of their time and energy to worthwhile community projects, but whose efforts often go unnoticed. If you know such a person, please e-mail