Friday, January 31, 2025

Not a drug

by R. A. Solberg
| September 9, 2010 11:00 PM

A brief note concerning the on-going brouhaha about marijuana.

Potatoes, sugar cane, agave, juniper, wheat, rye, grapes, tobacco, mint and thousands of more plants should be illegal. They are used to produce mind-pleasing and mind-altering substances, such as many liquors, wines, beers, cigars, cigarettes, etc. Many over-the-counter drugs at the pharmacy counter are also plant-based.

Many people use the above mentioned plants and their by-products. Why? These make people feel better. Addictive? Some are and some people are addicted.

Cannabis is a species of plant, not a "drug." It has been used for centuries as a hemp product for ropes, twines and fabrics. Some folks now use it to reduce pain. So why is cannabis such a bad guy? I propose that potatoes be illegal in that they are used to make vodka, that vile liquid that drives Russians and many U.S. citizens nutso.

R. A. Solberg
