Thursday, February 27, 2025

Call for support of BPA power sales to CFAC

by Columbia Falls Chamber of Commerce
| August 10, 2011 7:40 AM

The Bonneville Power Administration is proposing to enter into a power sales agreement that would provide power service to Columbia Falls Aluminum Company beginning April 1, 2012. You can read the draft agreement at the web site listed below.

Under the proposal, BPA would provide 140 average megawatts. This much power could allow two of the smelter's five potlines to operate. The smelter has been shut down because of economic factors. Reopening the smelter would create significant renewed opportunities for employment in the Flathead Valley.

Before BPA decides to enter into such an agreement, the agency must complete two analyses. The first is an Equivalent Benefits Test, which determines whether the benefits of providing power service to CFAC equal or exceed the costs of such service. This test was developed in response to two decisions by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which dealt with BPA's authority to offer power sales contracts to Direct Service Industries customers, including CFAC. BPA has completed a draft of this EBT determination, and the results show benefits will exceed the cost of service for four years and six months.

Second, BPA will prepare an environmental document consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act before making a decision on the proposed agreement.

The BPA administrator and his staff will review all public comments and other pertinent information before making a final decision. The administrator's decision on providing power service to CFAC is expected this fall.

Please make a comment on the BPA Web site at They will make decisions based on NEPA and community involvement in the process. The comment period lasts until Aug. 31. Please send to others on your e-mail list. The meeting at Discovery Square yesterday indicated people want to go back to work. Please become involved in the process.

The Columbia Falls Chamber of Commerce.