Friday, February 07, 2025

Bridge was monument to promoters

by Gladys Shay
| August 31, 2011 7:41 AM

Bridge building in March 1893 was subject of editor John W. Pace in The Columbian. Story in the Columbia Falls newspaper told of the new Red Bridge across the Flathead River. Same bridge is making headlines today, 118 years later.

At that time, engineer Klingberg expected big piers would be placed under the big bridge. It was referred to as "substantial a structure as can be found within the borders of Montana, being so strong as to defy the strongest water."

It was explained the new piers were being placed on piles driven 8 to 20 feet into the solid earth. The bridge was described as being strong enough for railroad as well as highway purposes.

Klingberg predicted "the bridge will be for years to come the only bridge across the Flathead, and no other bridge will be built by private capital. It stands as a monument to the promoters of Columbia Falls."

Five murders and one suicide made front page news that same day. Editor Pace comments included "other papers of the Flathead Valley are now printing game laws The Columbian printed two weeks ago."

Animosity towards Kalispell continued with the following: "And not a word in the official organ (county seat newspaper) about the great flood that filled the cellars of the official gang, and the streets of the official city and drowned the official cow."

Brief notice of the new waltz, called "the Chicago" was given. Editor Pace quoted an Eastern correspondent as writing description as "straight hugging without gliding accompaniment. Now let the man with no music in his sole pitch in. He is at the bat." Assume "sole" was deliberately misspelled.

Another note reported the Masonic fraternity would dance on April 5, 1893. This was first A.F. & A.M. affair in the Flathead. First weather report published in the paper was taken by J.D. Guerin, observer for the U.S. Signal Service.

The 1893 figures showed mean temperature was 33 degrees. Maximum temperature, 61 degrees, March 29, with lowest temperature, 10 below, March 5. Total precipitation was 0.95 inches, with snow depth total of 8.9 inches on the ground, March 31. Observer Guerin reported nine clear days, five partly cloudy and 14 cloudy days in Columbia Falls for March 1893.

Gladys Shay is a longtime resident and columnist for the Hungry Horse News.