Friday, February 07, 2025

MDT seeks comments for roundabout

by Hungry Horse News
| October 26, 2011 10:21 AM

The Montana Department of Transportation is seeking comments on a proposal to add delineation and signage on River Road south of Columbia Falls. Currently there is a winding road sign at the north end of the project.

The project, which is intended to address a correctable crash trend, is tentatively scheduled for fall 2011. No new rights-of-way or utility relocations are anticipated.  

For more information, contact Doug Moeller at 406-523-5802 or LeRoy Wosoba at 406-444-1280. Comments can be mailed to the MDT Butte Office, P.O. Box 7039, Missoula MT 59807-7039, or online at Indicate comments are for project UPN 6428.

MDT is also proposing to build a three-legged roundabout at the T-intersection of Highways 206 and 35, what's commonly called the "Woody's intersection." MDT says the project is in response to a cluster of crashes involving turning vehicles.

Construction, which is slated for 2013 depending upon funding, would include grading, drainage, concrete surfacing, lighting, signage and reflective pavement markings.

Comments can be mailed to Shane Stack, MDT District Preconstruction Engineer, P.O. Box 7039, Missoula MT 59807-7039 or made online at Indicate comments are for project CN7183. Deadline is Nov. 18.