Friday, February 07, 2025

Critical view

| August 15, 2012 7:44 AM

Although there were disparate themes in the Aug. 1 Hungry Horse News in “Letters” and on the next page in a story about a Coram man’s alleged tomfoolery, a sort of link can be made in that in both situations the authorities will do exactly as they want.

In the excellent letter by Rich Mandl, “Big brother in Glacier Park”, he enlightens us on intrusive cameras on trails. When confronting the project’s manager, this professor’s attitude was “no big deal.” Mandl asks at the letter’s end, “Is this what a wilderness experience should be?” He is commended for his rightful stand.

As for the Coram man who “faces child porn charges” — dumb as these alleged actions on the Internet were — “mandatory minimum sentence of five years and a maximum up to 20 years, a $250,000 fine and lifetime supervision” is ludicrousness beyond the pale, and these official investigators will probably get no real opposition at all to their actions and wild-eyed, off-the-wall punishments.

Carol Woster

Cut Bank