Friday, February 07, 2025

Watch what happens to the nations now turning to Democracy

by Jim SislerBig Arm
| December 26, 2012 8:16 AM

George Washington, in a letter, wrote; “Democracy will not work without Christianity.”

Hateful acts, violent murder, senseless murder, hunger, homelessness, dishonesty and fraud perpetrated by the rich bankers, public officials, athletes, celebrities and the poor alike! Where is the Christian taking up the stand against evil in this time? He is hiding behind the church doors, or worse yet in his home. Is that part of the Great Commandment?

Are they forbidden to “Go ye therefore and teach...Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” Teaching what? Teaching them where?

Washington also pushed for schools of education for the purpose of not only scholastic, but for proper behavior. What have we taught our youth?

Look at the result. We have a population of self-serving, ungrateful, voters who can be easily manipulated by those we elect to govern.

Haven’t we been taught acceptance to new truths and new limits? Haven’t we become more accepting towards terrible speech and behavior at all levels?

Watch what happens to the nations now turning to Democracy. Just watch and live to see us follow their ways. Washington knew the scripture; II Samuel 23:3 “...He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.”

Jim Sisler,

Big Arm