Friday, February 07, 2025

For future students, vote yes

by John and Melisa Phelps
| February 29, 2012 9:38 AM

We strongly support the proposed rebuilding of Whitefish High School and the associated bond. We encourage other Whitefish area residents to cast a positive vote. There is no question in our minds that it’s the right thing to do.

When we moved to town in 1994, our two children entered the historic, and beautiful, Whitefish Central School. Central School didn’t cost us anything. It was provided by the taxpayers of an earlier era, who voted to tax themselves in order to build it. They could have spent a lot less, and constructed a flimsy structure that lasted just long enough for their children to graduate. Their taxes would have been lower had they done so.

But they were not so short-sighted. They thought not only of their children, but of future generations of children. They were generous and far-sighted. They provided a sturdy and stately building that was still functional, although aging, when our children entered in 1994.

In 2003, when Central School had finally become obsolete, our school district asked the taxpayers of the community to replace it with a sturdy and beautiful building. Our school district looked to the future, and designed a structure to serve many generations of children.  It was now our turn to reach into our pockets and pay for a new and durable building. Our children were now adults. But we, and countless other area taxpayers, appreciated what we had been provided, and were proud to do our part for future generations.

We take the same approach toward the high school. Our children enjoyed Whitefish High School, which was provided to us free of charge, courtesy of earlier taxpayers of the school district. We have toured the existing building. There is no doubt that it is obsolete. If you have any question about the need to replace it, you should take the tour. And like those who provided Central School to our children, we want to replace it with a sturdy, quality structure to meet the needs of future generations of children. It’s our turn. And it’s your turn. Please join us by reaching into your pockets and making the financial commitment that earlier generations of Whitefish taxpayers made to their community. Please vote in favor of the high school bond. It’s the right thing to do.

— John and Melisa Phelps