Thursday, March 13, 2025

North Forkers throw beach party

by Larry Wilson
| January 4, 2012 8:18 AM

Boy, did we have a great Christmas party. Hosts Caldwell and Heaphy must have spent most of a day decorating the hall. There were twinkling lights overhead, brightly decorated tables and counters, and a 10-foot decorated Christmas tree. Even the front porch was decorated with boughs and bright red bows, and there was a greeter (Jan Caldwell) with a funny hat.

That was only the beginning. As usual, the food was tasty and plentiful. Turkey and ham were cooked and provided by the hosts, and everyone brought a side dish or dessert. There were pumpkin pies, a cheery cheesecake, assorted cakes and cookies for dessert, and a fabulous array of side dishes including stuffed peppers, deviled eggs, salads, vegetables, mashed potatoes, gravy and yams - and even a venison stew. You could dish up as many times as you wanted and there were still leftovers.

Bob Graham asked the blessing and we all dug in. Nearly 40 people attended, so the food line was not long, and plates filled with food disappeared rapidly.

Highlight of the party was the music. Christmas carols were sung by Jerry Wernick, Jan Caldwell, and the Vernon and Karina Petty family accompanied by Steve Berg on guitar. Vernon and Karina Petty and their four children, Kendall, Valerie, Leighton and Raleigh, reminded me of the Von Trapp family singers as they were portrayed in "The Sound of Music." Good looking, in tune, and with big smiles on their faces.

In addition to singing, Valerie Petty, Vernon and Karina's daughter, played several songs on her harp. She has only been playing the harp for about a year, and it was beautiful. We are all thankful that she shared her talent with the community.

We aren't done yet. On New Year's Day, we will have our annual Beach Party. This is a gathering that started as a Hoiland family tradition of going to the river, having a fire with hot dogs and beans on New Year's Day.

One year, the Ogle family inadvertently crashed the party on snowmobiles. In fact, Justin Ogle practically drove his machine up a tree to avoid hitting anyone.

Since then, it has become an annual thing for Trail Creekers and other North Forkers. Mark and Margaret Heaphy often ski several miles from their house to attend, and others gather at my house or the Ogles' and are transported to the party on snowmobiles. We will see if we need ATVs instead of snowmobiles this year.

All North Forkers join me in wishing everyone a happy and prosperous 2012.