Friday, January 31, 2025

Move beyond the blame game

by PolsonCarol Cummings
| June 20, 2012 7:23 AM

I am guessing that everyone who reads this newspaper has inherited and needed to fix a difficulty that was generated by someone else.

The tendency in that the situation is to rail against/whine about the person responsible for the trouble. But most sensible people end up doing their best to fix the problem.

Sadly for people who love this country, our current president can’t seem to get beyond the blame game. I was thinking about his recent steak dinner analogy.

I personally love poetic devices such as analogies. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama’s analogy about a steak dinner and a martini that was directed at President Bush falls way short.

If Mr. Obama had switched his diet to Ramen noodles and water, it might make sense. But he has not sent one austere budget to Congress in his three plus years in office.

Rather, he has cranked up spending from his stimulus package to the GM bailout.

Moreover, he has squelched potential cost-saving measures such as the Keystone Pipeline.

His refusal to go beyond the “blame Bush” mind-set speaks to me of a failed presidency.

In contrast, Mitt Romney is a vigorous, positive and insightful person who has achieved success, beyond just winning elections in his life.

In my mind, this upcoming November is really no contest. We need to move forward. And only Mitt Romney seems capable of doing that.

Carol Cummings,
