Friday, February 07, 2025

Extreme partisanship lead to GOP punishment

by Bob McclellanPolson
| November 14, 2012 10:53 AM

Now that the election has been decided and we have heard all the excuses from certain pundits as to why Romney did not win, something comes to my mind in all this. And this particular ‘trend-of-concern’ was not picked up by the media, not realized, and certainly not expected.

This unrealized trend-of-concern has nothing to do with the issues, be they moral, economic, social, religious, or of environmental concerns. This ‘trend-of-concern is solely about how our nation’s political legislative bodies are functioning. And non-function is probably the right word to use here.

My thesis in this particular letter is to suggest that America, especially younger people, are so fed up with the inaction, the extreme partisanship in congress, the lack of passing even the most basic and sensible legislation by our legislative bodies, that they came out in droves to vote against the party, the Republicans, which is the current party to absolutely block every bit of legislation that the other party, the Democrats, put forth.

This is not to say that if the ‘shoe were on the other foot’ that Democrats would not have done the same thing. The point is, this extreme partisanship at the expense of “The Will of the People” touched the sensibilities of so many Americans that this could almost be considered an election to punish the Republican party.

Punish the party of inaction. Punish the perpetrators of paralysis. Punish the guilty. Did you see any of these headlines? Did you hear any of this being spread out over the airwaves by our great political pundits? Did we talk about this seriously among ourselves?

Well, my take on all this is that this particular phenomenon energized millions in our nation to get out and vote against one party rather than for the other. And until there is a change of attitude, a change of mind-set, and a change in political behavior among our legislators, we will simply continue down the same path of big money interests trumping “The Will of the People.”

Bob McClellan,
