Friday, February 07, 2025

Fighting that tears at the nation's fabric doesn't make us stronger

by Bob McclellanPolson
| November 21, 2012 7:12 AM

For Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham to blast away at the Obama administration about the 9-11 attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya in which four Americans were killed, including Ambassador Chris Stevens is unconscionable.

I listened to an interview with and have read comments from members of Chris Stevens’ family, including his mother Mary Commanday, and their entire comments were supportive of our administration, supportive of our entire system of consulates, with full recognition of the great dangers present in the Middle East. And they were totally accepting of the uncertainty that exists regardless of what security is in place and with full support for America’s ongoing work around the world.

The McCains and Grahams of our nation should listen to the Stevens family and learn something about true statesmanship, true national support, and true character. This is what makes a nation strong, not all this infantile political infighting that tears at the very fabric of our national health.

To use anger and frustration over a political election loss with behavior of this sort, by otherwise respected legislators, is sad and dangerous indeed in my opinion.

Bob McClellan,
