Friday, January 31, 2025

Bigfork Playhouse Children's Theatre deserves our support

by Ginny ReedBigfork
| November 28, 2012 9:46 AM

There is treasure in Bigfork that you may not have discovered yet. It is the Bigfork Playhouse Children’s Theatre. During the Summer Playhouse’s off season there are many other performances at our theater, including plays by Bigfork children and youth from the elementary and middle school.

You perhaps envision cute little plays that only parents and grandparents and good friends of the family would go to see. You have no idea!

It all came about because of the theatrical genius of Brach Thomson. He purchases a play that would be suitable (at no small cost), arranges songs and dances to enhance the play, and then holds tryouts that require a memorized monologue. Now, if this doesn’t get your attention, what follow should. After the cast is chosen, they rehearse the lines, the dance and the songs for TWO WEEKS and the play opens to the public!

You may still be thinking “cute” play. They are just as entertaining, sophisticated and well acted as some professional plays. As a resident of Bigfork or a visitor, you simply must see this treasure for yourself.

There’s an additional important reason for you to see the plays. Thomson and a benefactor donor purchased the old thrift store across from the back of the Bigfork Fire Department, as a place to practice. In 2014 the benefactor must be repaid the loan. It is a substantial amount and the help of many is needed. Going to the plays can be your contribution.

The place where they practice is more than a building. It is a place where talents, abilities and character are brought out and built in each of those children. I’ve lived here for 20 years and have watched some of the children grow up. There is one child that always seemed to be shy and quiet, that I saw at a recent fundraising play at Brumar. I could hardly believe my eyes; she was singing and dancing and had an amazing range of facial expressions.

There are many other children who have had physical differences or learning challenges; and through Thomson’s encouragement have become wonderful performers and have gained self-esteem and confidence through the process.

I’ve seen what Thomson has developed in my own grandchildren and I’ve watched in amazement and have wondered, how could he learn all those lines in just two weeks; how did the girls learn all those dances; when did they learn to sing so well?

The Bigfork Playhouse Children’s Theatre and the genius of Thomson, who created it, is a pleasure you can enjoy in every play that is presented. They are brilliantly costumed, exceptionally acted by youth and children who can cause you to believe they are adults, and Thomson’s musical talents come out throughout the plays.

Be sure you add seeing “The Christmas Carol” to your calendar. It will be presented by the Children’s Theatre at the Bigfork Center for the Performing Arts on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 14, 15, 21, and 22 at 7:30 p.m. and Dec. 16 at 2 p.m.

On Dec. 8, enjoy hearing Christmas music sung by the Children’s Theatre after the parade in Bigfork.

Another great way to support and encourage the children and youth in our community, and you’ll enjoy doing it.

Ginny Reed,
