Friday, February 07, 2025


| October 3, 2012 7:27 AM

My partner and I went to the dinner and film presentation of “Gold Diggers” this past Thursday evening sponsored by Monica Lindeen and staff of the office of securities and insurance. It was a good dinner and movie until it was sandbagged by folks representing Derek Skees. He is running opposite Lindeen for Montana State Auditor .

What a shameful display of dirty politics. Audience member Anne Bukachek threw out an unrelated-to-the-movie question regarding “slurs” from Lindeen’s office towards a Ravalli County pastor indicted on six counts of fraud. Lindeen looks out for victims of fraud, in this case a congregation member who lost $150,000 to Harris Himes, pastor at Big Sky Christian Center in Hamilton.

Bill and I were appalled at this blatant attempt by a “Christian” to inject disharmony into an educational meeting that informed Montana citizens about Ponzi schemes and insurance frauds. In both cases depicted in the film, the perpetrators were convicted, sentenced and required to pay restitution with interest. Monica Lindeen is doing a great job as State Auditor for Montana.

Margie Gignac
