Friday, January 31, 2025

Superintendent Jenkins shares his perspective on Lakeside-Somers Schools

Hello, my name is Paul Jenkins and I’m the new superintendent of Somers-Lakeside Schools. Monthly for the remainder of the school year, I will share information with the community about many topics pertaining to our schools. The goal is to provide insights into the challenges schools are facing and how they are being addressed. The issues are complex and hopefully will generate questions, feedback and a desire from you to be a part of the solution. The topics are complex and many. In this district alone, we continually have to focus on funding, facilities, technology, state mandates, federal mandates, curriculum changes, and accreditation standards. These are only a few of the things on our plate and yet they are all connected in some way.

Public schools are an easy target for scrutiny due to many factors, right or wrong. However, it is easy for me to state that the children of Somers and Lakeside are receiving a high quality education and this is due to the dedicated and professional staff at both schools. I have been in education for many years, and part of five different school systems. Without hesitation, I will state that the principals, teachers and paraprofessionals have been an inspiration to me and are doing things instructionally that are meeting the needs of students at a high level. I am humbled to be a part of this team. Of course, you may say I have to say this, but I don’t. I could not have said anything, but I do so because from the first day I arrived in this district, the impressions and opinion I have formed quickly became evident based on conversations I heard and the work ethic I observed. All decisions made by the staff are based on what is best for your children and our students.

I will also add that your elected school board officials have the best interest of your children in mind. Their varying perspectives and opinions generate healthy discussions and informed decisions. They want to address important educational issues and continually look at the big picture both short and long term.

I am a huge believer in public education, and I want to be part of the many positive changes coming down the pike in this arena. I will share these things with you over this school year and hope they generate constructive conversation. Please include me in your education conversations. Invite me to your meetings, gatherings, and other community events. Challenge me, hold us accountable, and allow me to share with you the things I’ve learned in a profession that I hold dear to my heart. Lastly, don’t hesitate to call me at 857-3661 or email or stop by my office if you’d like to just say hello or to discuss further topics I’ve addressed in my monthly article.

I would like to thank the West Shore News for allowing me this venue to share with you topics that have an impact on our communities.