Friday, February 07, 2025

Let the county know your opinion on closing Bigfork's dump site

by Faith BrynieBigfork
| October 24, 2012 9:15 AM

I just spent a frustrating half hour on the phone with Jim, a director at the Flathead County Landfill who recited to me numerous reasons why he intends to close the Bigfork dumpsite on Montana 83. His main argument is that the site gets a lot of use. Really? It would seem to me that heavy use would be an argument for expanding/improving/maintaining the site — not closing it. Jim cites numerous convenience and efficiency reasons for the closure — but the conveniences and efficiencies are all his. More driving time, more gasoline use, more air pollution, more traffic, more accidents — all consequences of closing the Bigfork site and forcing us to travel to Creston or Somers for waste disposal — are not considered in Jim’s “consolidation” plan. He tells me that no one has voiced an objection to the county commissioners. I urge Bigfork residents to change that. If you feel we need a dumpsite, make your voice heard. Call Jim at 758-5910 and the commissioners at 758-5503.

Faith Brynie,
