Friday, January 31, 2025

Let's leave nature alone for a while

by Wally Wlaysewki
| September 5, 2012 7:47 AM

There was a letter written in 33 A.D. by a former fisherman called Peter. I refer to the Acts of the Apostles, II Peter. Among other things it says: “Brethren, these are not carefully crafted fables which we relate to you, (paraphrasing now) but this is what happened, and these are the consequences....”

Brothers, sisters, believers or not, what the hell is happening today? Over and over, carefully crafted fables, news media and government reports, non-reports, misreports ”carefully crafted fables” to “send” us into oblivion.

Are the chemtrail programs such a deep part of our physical environment, to the point that we can’t think clearly anymore; not just “cognizant dissonance” but a form of artificially induced dementia?

They (our government) fly noncommercial jets at a high altitude (and low over Butte) that spray out a polyacrylonitrile (carbon polymer) web mixture of suspended aluminum powder, barium salts, strontium, and complex biological “brew” almost every day, ostensibly to cool the earth’s atmosphere.

Something more is occurring. Please read the reports by Amy Worthington of the Idaho Observer newspaper: — “Chemtrails and Terror in the age of Nuclear War” 6-3-4

And they’re worried about a little coal dust from the trains from Eastern Montana to west coast? Canvas covers! (Later on this)

Right after 9/11, there was a no-fly zone over the USA. No commercial jets, none for five or six days. It just so happens that after a few months, when all the hundreds of weather-reporting stations across America (airports, universities, hospitals, etc.) tabulated and computerized the results, the results “jumped out” at the staff of the National Weather Bureau — there was a downward spike in overall temperature across America during the five or so days of no flying. No kerosene jet fuel burned in the upper atmosphere. No increase, but a decrease in the average temperature nationwide for that time frame in September.

So, after 9/11, five days, normal commercial flying resumed, plus renewed government chemtrail jets flying. (Carbon dioxide-absorbing plant life does not grow at 30,000 feet.)

In 1883, the giant volcano of Indonesia called Krakatau blew up. Its ash-laden cloud followed the jet stream for several years. The temperature of the atmosphere dropped severely in areas under its shadow. We and other nations had cold summers and poor agricultural harvest for almost two years. Global cooling.

Observations of tree rings and core drilling and wine growing in England show a pattern of extra warm temperatures for flora growth in the 1100s, before and after, a product of the sun’s 1,000-year trajectory cycle. The Vikings sailed west to “America” and called Greenland “Greenland” for a reason. They didn’t call it Whiteland, or Iceberg Land, or Winter Wonderland.

The new EPA ruling will force the industrial and electric power plants in the Northwest to reduce their emissions to lower the “hazy” skies over the national parks and wilderness areas (nicer photos). The cost to reduce sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and mercury (good idea) will be many, many millions. Good; give them a huge tax break incentive to do this, and replace the funds by stopping the poisonous chemtrails, which, since 1997, have cost many, many billions.

This “cooling” project puts a tremendous “haze” over Butte, Billings, Missoula, Spokane (mostly populated areas), etc. It is humorous, obnoxious when the “chief” meteorologist on TV or radio report, “Skies are clear over Butte, etc.” Clear? Is artificially controlling nature, the weather, a wise thing?

Spending billions, if not trillions “ostensibly” to cool the planet, but the underlying motive is “GROP” — Get Rid of People. And is it cooling? Is the aluminum oxide etc., that comes down day and night good for forests? (They burn hotter now), the pH level of the soil and lakes? For Alzheimer, Parkinson, and asthma prone people?

When those birds fell out of the sky last year, by the thousands, when the fish in the lakes bellied up, was the mixture accidentally a little too strong?

From whence and at what cost does the polyacrylonitrile come from? It is mentioned briefly in the 2004 National Defense Bill, as to whether to resume domestic or foreign supply.

Let us leave nature alone for a while and see what happens. On a “clear” day, you can “see” forever; you can “see” a reason for living and help others live. You can “see” a future.

So after 20 years of “flying” to keep us “cool,” there is hardly a word in the news media, hardly a word in Congress (Rep. Kucinich tried), and national security rules, and most people don’t care. (Is it artificially induced dementia or just pride?) Is this another symptom of moneyocracy?

This is not a conspiracy theory; this is a conspiracy-induced irresponsibility. Wake up America, the coffee is on. Rekindle your faith, for these are not “carefully crafted fables” we relate to you.

Wally Wlaysewki lives in Butte.