Thursday, February 27, 2025

2,600-acre timber sale proposed up the North Fork

by Matt Baldwin For Hungry Horse News
| August 3, 2013 10:53 AM

A proposed state timber sale on the Stillwater State Forest about 25 miles north of Columbia Falls calls for harvesting up to 6 million board feet of lumber from 2,600 acres of state trust land.

The Moran Cyclone Timber Sale Project runs along the North Fork Road. The project area was historically comprised of Douglas fir and western larch but has become mixed conifer. Some stands in the area are 150 years old and are potentially old-growth.

Pre-commercial thinning, overstory removal and commercial or shelterwood thinning is proposed.  Helicopters and ground crews would perform the work. Temporary spur roads may be constructed to reach harvest areas.

Revenue from the project would benefit the School of Mines, State Normal School, public buildings and Montana State University trusts. The public comment period for this project closed Aug. 2.