Thursday, March 13, 2025

Letter to the Editor: Against increased speeds on Swan highway

| August 7, 2013 2:57 PM

The Montana Department of Transportation has proposed to increase the nighttime speed limit on Highway 83 through the Clearwater and Swan valleys.

I am concerned about the increased risk to human life, property damage and wildlife populations.

Studies confirm that wildlife species are most active at night. Recent U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service grizzly bear data from GPS collars support this. MDOT instituted an experimental interim nighttime speed limit of 55 mph on Highway 83 in 2009.

The 55 mph limit has greatly reduced car/deer collisions along the entire highway, specifically in the core winter range areas along the Blackfoot/Clearwater Game Range and between mile markers 30-70.

Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks biologist John Vore stated that collisions with wildlife have been reduced by 41 percent from the Clearwater Divide to Swan Lake during the trial period. Additional information from FWP indicates that accidents along the Blackfoot-Clearwater Game Range have been substantially reduced.

In addition, there are a number of wildlife crossings along Highway 83 that provide essential linkage between the Bob Marshall and Mission Mountain Wilderness areas. These passages are critical to lynx, grizzly bear and wolverine.

Comments should be sent to: Lori Ryan, Commission Secretary, PO Box 201001, Helena, MT 59620-1001. They can also be emailed to:

Jim Quinn

Condon, Mont.