Friday, January 31, 2025

Lakeside-Somers School District Superintendent shares view on Newtown

by Somers School DistrictPaul Jenkins
| January 9, 2013 7:58 AM

In light of the recent tragedy in Connecticut, I feel compelled to comment on safety at both Somers and Lakeside Schools. Communities around the country want to know if their schools are safe, and if not, what can be done to provide a safe environment for students and staff.

Specifically, are the students safe in Somers School District? Yes, I believe they are, but I also believe we can do a better job.

Throughout the school-year, drills are scheduled and conducted periodically. Notations are made after each drill so we can correct missteps in procedures and communications. I worry sometimes that we, me included, get complacent due to the fallacy that something like what happened in Newtown couldn’t happen in Somers or Lakeside. Although the odds are great that it won’t, I hope to convey to students, staff, school board and community that we must not ever let our guard down and that we must always look for ways to upgrade and improve the school’s emergency preparedness.

The Somers buildings, grounds and facilities committee, appointed by the full board, has met with administration and staff to review the emergency preparedness plan and opened discussions on how to improve it. We are looking at what is working and what areas may need upgrading.

Our work will address a number of questions such as immediate versus future needs, costs of upgrading based on perceived needs in security, and how to balance the atmosphere of a warm and welcoming school site versus more of a fortress type of an environment. This is a work in progress and open-ended.

None of us are experts in this area and we will seek ideas and opinions based on sound research and success of other emergency plans. I believe that by seeking expert advice the district will be on firmer and safer grounds if anything were to ever happen.

Presently there’s much debate on whether teachers and staff should be allowed to carry guns in schools. No matter the issue or opinion, all sides should be listened to and open minds and compromise must prevail. Not one size fits all due to many factors, and we hope to improve our plan to best fit the school and community of Lakeside and Somers. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions or provide input to your school board members or me.

I would like to extend all the best to everyone for a safe, happy, and healthy new year. Thanks for your support of the students and their teachers. We all take pride in our profession and the success and safety of your children is our mission.

Paul Jenkins,

Superintendent of Lakeside and Somers School District