Friday, January 31, 2025

HB14 needs ammendments

by L.Jack LyonMissoula
| January 16, 2013 7:20 AM

Nearly 7,000 Missoula citizens and students have signed petitions opposing the University of Montana’s plan to build a new Missoula College (former Missoula College of Technology) on its south campus.

They do not oppose building a new Missoula College facility, but there is a better location. We invite the citizens of other communities across the state to join us in recommending to their legislators:

• Amend HB14 to separate the Missoula College from other institutional building projects so projects of merit will have consideration.

Reach your legislator at: sage.asp

We oppose funding for UM’s request because:

• The current plan involves pointless destruction of open space and recreational opportunity for present and future students and citizens.

• The south campus is the wrong location. Missoula College will serve its local constituency more effectively if located at the west campus (Fort Missoula)

• There was no public input on any part of this location decision. It was simply announced as a ‘done deal’ without consideration of negative consequences

The proposed cost, $47 million, is a needlessly high price for a project that could cost far less in another, preferable location.

Advocates for Missoula’s Future: L.Jack Lyon, Sally Peterson, Cindy Reimers, David Werner

L.Jack Lyon,
