Friday, February 07, 2025

Gov. Bullock supports Keystone XL Pipeline

by Gov. Steve Bullock
| January 23, 2013 1:02 PM

The following letter was sent by Gov. Steve Bullock to President Barack Obama on Jan. 23, 2013.


I write to express my strong support for the Keystone XL Pipeline project. If responsible controls are put in place and long-term oversight of this project is ensured, I urge you to grant the Presidential Permit.

I applaud you for giving such serious weight to the concerns of the State of Nebraska. Now that Nebraska has concluded its review and given its approval, I would ask that you give due consideration to Montana’s concerns as well.

If done correctly, the Keystone XL Pipeline project will be a shot in the arm to our economy by creating much-needed jobs, and will advance our domestic energy security. At the same time, you must ensure that Montana’s top industry, production agriculture, as well as our waters and wildlife habitats, will never be adversely affected.

Responsible development of a project like this must take into account the safety and security of the pipeline, the workers who will construct it, and the communities it will pass through. As you know, Montana has had several high-profile pipeline failures, including a pipeline breach that spilled more than 40,000 gallons of oil into the Yellowstone River. An incident like this cannot be allowed to happen again.

It is imperative that the private property rights of Montana landowners be respected. During construction, the industry’s best practices must be used, and before approving any plan, federal regulators should ensure that a detailed and rigorous construction inspection process is outlined and will be followed. In addition, there must be a comprehensive emergency response plan, developed with input from local authorities, citizens and first responders.

At the strong urging of the State of Montana, the Keystone XL Pipeline will include an on-ramp in Baker, Montana, to allow domestic oil from the Bakken formation to be transported on the pipeline. This on-ramp will provide a further economic boost to rural communities adjacent to the pipeline in Eastern Montana, and will support further development of the Bakken formation, benefitting the nation as a whole.

Responsible development of America’s oil resources will play an important role in our energy portfolio for the foreseeable future. I believe that, if done correctly, with appropriate regulation and long-term oversight, the Keystone XL Pipeline project has the ability to create many good-paying jobs in Montana, further American energy security, and add vitality to our rural communities.

Thank you for your consideration.


Steve Bullock

Governor of Montana