Friday, February 07, 2025

Neighbors in Need Valentine's Day luncheon fundraiser set for Feb. 15

by Bigfork Eagle
| January 30, 2013 7:54 AM

In the wake of losing $20,000 worth of federal grants, Neighbors in Need is holding a Valentine’s Day luncheon to continue providing assistance to local residents in need.

Neighbors in Need is a fund of last resort, run solely on donations and volunteer support and working with other agencies to help after all other resources have been exhausted.

Last year, Neighbors in Need volunteers provided assistance to 982 individuals and families with rent, gasoline, medical and dental bills, utility bills and other basic-need items and distributed 227 personal care bags. Of those 982 individuals, less than one percent was transient. Volunteers working with the program contributed 277 hours of time.

Referrals are made through Help Network to the volunteer staff of Neighbors in Need. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will provide matching funds for this event, up to $1,500.

A silent auction will also be held during the luncheon with a variety of goods and services up for bid.

Volunteers and donations are welcome, volunteers are asked to notify their local churches. Monetary donations also will be accepted at the door the day of the luncheon

The luncheon will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 15 at Northridge Lutheran Church in Kalispell. The cost is $10 per person at the luncheon and for delivered meals. Order forms for delivered meals are available by calling 752-7266. Requests for delivered meals should be faxed to 755-7266 by Wednesday, Feb. 13.

For more information on the Neighbors in Need luncheon or other ways to make a difference in the community, call 752-7266.