Friday, January 31, 2025

House celebrates 100th year in chamber

by Rep. Keith Regier
| March 9, 2013 7:23 AM
The 63rd Montana Legislature finished its ninth week of the session. On March 5, the House celebrated 100 years in the House Chamber. Representatives dressed in 1913 attire and held a reenactment of the 13th Legislative Assembly’s 59th day from Wednesday, March 5, 1913.

There was also a rededication of the Charles M. Russell painting titled “Lewis and Clark Meeting the Indians at Ross’ Hole.” It celebrates the encounter between Lewis and Clark and the Salish people on Sept. 4, 1805. This painting graces the whole wall behind the House Speaker’s podium in the House chambers. It is truly a treasure that symbolizes Montana. If you haven’t been to Helena and toured the state capital building, you’re missing an experience that can’t be rivaled by any other state. Coming to the Capital while the Legislature is in session would be an added bonus.

Some bills of interest to the Flathead Valley that passed through the House are House Bills 230, 505 and 472. HB230 is titled “Generally revise property tax laws.” This bill would drop the state equalization aid levy portion of property taxes from 40 mills to 19.6 mills. It’s estimated that HB230 would save property-tax payers more than $50 million per year. It passed the House on a 61 to 39 vote.

HB505 is titled “Clarifying offense of aiding or soliciting suicide.” This bill clarifies in code that physician-assisted suicide is a form of aiding or soliciting suicide. It passed the House on a 51 to 46 vote.

HB472 is titled “Reduce business equipment taxes by increasing the exemption.” This bill will make the first $250,000 in market value of Class 8 property of a person or business entity exempt from taxation. Currently there’s a $20,000 threshold on Class 8 properties. It is estimated to save businesses about $12 million per year. HB472 passed the House on a 96 to 4 vote.

HB230 and HB472 have been sent to the Appropriations Committee to see if they can be fit into the state budget. HB505 is now being sent to the Senate. You can contact your senator with your view on the bill as well as view the full text of any bills by going online at

Rep. Keith Regier, R-Kalispell, represents House District 5, rural Columbia Falls.


The 63rd Montana Legislature finished its ninth week of the session. On March 5, the House celebrated 100 years in the House Chamber. Representatives dressed in 1913 attire and held a reenactment of the 13th Legislative Assembly’s 59th day from Wednesday, March 5, 1913.

There was also a rededication of the Charles M. Russell painting titled “Lewis and Clark Meeting the Indians at Ross’ Hole.” It celebrates the encounter between Lewis and Clark and the Salish people on Sept. 4, 1805. This painting graces the whole wall behind the House Speaker’s podium in the House chambers. It is truly a treasure that symbolizes Montana. If you haven’t been to Helena and toured the state capital building, you’re missing an experience that can’t be rivaled by any other state. Coming to the Capital while the Legislature is in session would be an added bonus.

Some bills of interest to the Flathead Valley that passed through the House are House Bills 230, 505 and 472. HB230 is titled “Generally revise property tax laws.” This bill would drop the state equalization aid levy portion of property taxes from 40 mills to 19.6 mills. It’s estimated that HB230 would save property-tax payers more than $50 million per year. It passed the House on a 61 to 39 vote.

HB505 is titled “Clarifying offense of aiding or soliciting suicide.” This bill clarifies in code that physician-assisted suicide is a form of aiding or soliciting suicide. It passed the House on a 51 to 46 vote.

HB472 is titled “Reduce business equipment taxes by increasing the exemption.” This bill will make the first $250,000 in market value of Class 8 property of a person or business entity exempt from taxation. Currently there’s a $20,000 threshold on Class 8 properties. It is estimated to save businesses about $12 million per year. HB472 passed the House on a 96 to 4 vote.

HB230 and HB472 have been sent to the Appropriations Committee to see if they can be fit into the state budget. HB505 is now being sent to the Senate. You can contact your senator with your view on the bill as well as view the full text of any bills by going online at

Rep. Keith Regier, R-Kalispell, represents House District 5, rural Columbia Falls.